Wednesday 27 May 2015

(Article) Halal o Haram Ingredients

• Ingredient Types        1                   • Complex Ingredients    2

• E-Numbers Briefing    3                  • E-Numbers Listing          4

• Ingredient Types  

Halal an Arabic word means lawful. Muslims all over the world are required to eat only Halal foods (foods allowed to eat according to Islamic dietary laws) made from Halal ingredients (only those law full food ingredients allowed under Islamic dietary laws). The Islamic dietary laws are based on Quranic (Holy book for Muslims) teachings and sayings of Prophet Mohammed Sallallahu alaihi wasallum (called Sunnah) and are based according Islamic Sharia (Islamic laws). The Halal ingredients are from grain, plant, chemical, synthetic (Halal), Dairy (if Halal enzymes and Halal culture media are used), egg products, fish and Zabiha meat sources.
  • Grain/Plant based ingredients:
    Baker's yeast, Baker's yeast extract, Beta Carotene (if vegetable oil is used as a carrier that is not gelatin), Microbial rennet, Chocolate liquor, Glycerin (plant and Halal synthetic source), Torula yeast (if grown on sugar cane not on liquor) and All purpose soy sauce.
  • Mineral, chemical, synthetic (Halal or kosher certified) based ingredients:
    Artificial Flavor (made from Halal ingredients without alcohol), BHA and BHT(only if vegetable oil is used as a carrier) and vanillin (from Halal synthetic source).
  • Dairy Ingredients ( made with Halal enzymes and Halal culture media or kosher certified): Acid Casein, Buttermilk solids, Caseinates, cheese powder, Lactose, Whey and Whey protein concentrate.
Ingredients made from plant fat( Halal or kosher certified): Stearates, Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate, DATEM, Mono & Di Glycerides, Ethoxylated Mono & Di Glycerides, Lecithin, Enzyme Modified Lecithin( Halal or kosher certified), Margarine, Polysorbate 60 or 80, Sorbitan Monostearates and Tocopherol.
Haram is opposite of Halal, means unlawful, again it is an Arabic word. Muslims are prohibited to consume Haram food products made from from Haram ingredients. They also based according to Quranic teachings and Sunnah as mentioned in sharia.
  • Haram ingredients from alcohol beverages: Beer, Beer flavor, Rum Flavor, Hard Cider, Beer Batter, Soy Sauce (Naturally brewed), Wine, Pure Alcohol as a Natural Flavor, Vanilla Extract containing alcohol.
  • Haram ingredients from Human body: L-Cysteine from human hair.
  • Haram ingredients from Pig: Bacon, Ham, Gelatin, Enzymes, Marshmallow (pig Gelatin), Vitamins.
  • Grain/plant based ingredients with pig based carrier: Beta carotene (pig Gelatin) and BHA/BHT (pig based carrier).
  • Dairy ingredients made from pork enzymes and culture media: Caseinates, Lactose, Whey.
  • Ingredients made from pork fat: Lard, Mono & diglycerides, Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate, DATEM, Polysorbate 60 or 80.
Mushbooh is an Arabic word for doubtful things. Muslims are required to stay away from doubtful things. Food products and food ingredients whose sources are not known whether they are made from Halal or Haram source fall under this category.
  • Yeast Extract from brewer's yeast (some Islamic scholars considered it Halal but to other think it is a Mush-booh ingredient).
  • Cochineal/Carmine color (Islamic scholars in UK and South Africa considered it Haram but others do not considered it Haram).
The food flavor of a food substance is the combined sensation of the taste and odor as perceived by the eater or drinker of that substance. The food flavorings are available to the food industry producer as solids, liquids, and paste. The food flavoring is man made and they are compounded from natural and/or synthetic aromatic substances which may or not be found in nature. Flavors may be a mixture of any flavors or flavoring ingredients such as
  • Process Flavors,
  • Hydrolysates,
  • Fat Flavors,
  • Autolysates,
  • Enzyme Modified Flavor with addition of carriers,
  • antioxidants,
  • solvents and
  • flavor enhancers.
The impact of natural flavors on Halal food products can be best described in McDonald's French Fries and Hash Browns. The raw French fries and hash brown are made with Natural flavor as indicated on their ingredients list. But no body know except the suppliers and McDonald that the natural flavor is made of Non-Zabiha beef extract.
Muslims should be very care full of following flavors in meat cheese related products such as meat Loaf seasoning, gravies and process cheese products
  1. Meat, Savory Flavors and Extracts:
    The McDonald raw French fries and Hash Brown are made with a food flavor containing Non-Zabiha beef extract.
  2. Dairy Flavors containing animal enzymes.
  3. Alcohol as an ingredient and Carrier in flavors
Alcohol is widely used as a carrier in many food flavors. Alcohol in food flavors will mostly evaporate if it is used as a solvent in food flavors for baked products or heat treated products. Some Islamic scholars do not consider a food product Halal even if it is made with all Halal ingredients but food flavor in which ethyl alcohol was used as a solvent. But other Islamic scholars recommend food products made with all Halal ingredients even if food flavors containing ethyl alcohol as a solvent.
You have to contact your Islamic scholars about their advise.
Muslim Consumer Group will not assign Halal status to food products which are even made with all ingredients but where ethyl alcohol was used in food flavors as a solvent.
TypeNature Of Fermentation
KefirAcid and Alcohol
KoumissAcid and Alcohol
YogurtMedium Acid
Cultured ButtermilkLow Acid
Cultured CreamLow Acid
Leben & DahiMedium Acid
CheeseAcid, Diacetyle, Propionic Acid & CO2
Pickles from cucumber and sauerkraut from cabbage are made by salting (brining). No alcohol is produced during the processing of these products. However, when flavors are added, those flavors may or may not contain alcohol as a carrier.
Most of non alcoholic beverages are made from alcoholic beverages where alcohol is separated by use of cones or other method but they contain leftover alcohol, the flavor and color of the alcoholic beverages. A wine or alcoholic beverage consists of 6-12% alcohol, water, flavors obtained through fermentation process, colors. Every single component of wine or alcoholic beverages are Haram, so if they present in a non alcoholic beverages then the non alcoholic beverages became Haram too.
The following things have to be Halal in order for a cheese to be considered Halal:
  1. Ingredients used to make the Mother Starter Culture growth Media
  2. Ingredients used to make the Bulk Starter Culture growth Media
  3. Starter Bacterial culture are Halal if they obtained from milk source and not from meat source, usually in practice they obtained from milk.
  4. Milk Coagulating Enzyme, such as Microbial rennet used to coagulate milk or Rennet obtained from Zabiha slaughtered calves
  5. Fat Hydrolyzing Enzyme, such as Microbial Lipases
  6. Dairy ingredients such as Non Fat dry milk solid or cream or dry milk added
  7. Artificial color such as artificial blue or green color is added to neutralize natural yellow color in curd for Asiago or Blue cheese
  8. Media to grow mold Penicillium roquefortti providing blue color in blue cheese
  9. Harmless plant based enzyme is added for curing or flavor development and growth media for biological curing agent used on the surface of Brick cheese
  10. Flavoring, hydrolyzed lactose, whey for cold packed cheese food, gelatin is allowed in cream cheese but most manufacturer use gums instead of gelatin
Cultured lipolyzed Cream: is considered Halal if the culture media, which is used to grow cultures is made from Halal ingredients. The use of microbial Lipase enzyme is the second requirement for cultured lipolyzed cream to be considered Halal.
Cultured Lipolyzed Cream is made with use of cultures and Lipase enzyme.
Lipase enzyme is used to split milk fat into free fatty acids eventually leading to methyl ketones, lactones and other volatile compounds for flavor.
Gelatin is a derived water soluble protein made by controlled hydrolytic conversion of collagen, the protein constituent of white fibrous connective tissue from animals.

Gelatin is obtained from one of the following:
  Beef bones and calf skin (Gelatin type B) or
  Skin, hide splits and trimming of pork (Gelatin type A)
  Gelatin is also obtained from fish. The fish gelatin is started coming to markets in 1993 (Muslim Consumer Group reported in one of Chicago Muslim news paper in 1993). It is expensive than pork and beef and also provide little unpleasant smell to the food products.
Fish gelatin is used in Procter & Gamble's Sunny Delight fruit drinks. It is combined with Beta carotene a plant based color as a processing aid ingredient (not reported under the ingredients list) to help disperse the Beta carotene in liquid system. Fish gelatin was also used by Saputo Cheese Company under Stella, Frigo, Lorraine and Dragone brands for low fat and reduced fat cheeses. The Fish gelatin meets the Islamic dietary requirements and is considered as a Halal ingredient.
Majority of Muslims do not purchase food products containing gelatin but a minority of Muslims consume food products made from Non-Zabiha beef gelatin. If these products are not under kosher certification, the manufacturer can change the source of gelatin from Non-Zabiha to pork.
There is a big confusion about Kosher Gelatin which is now used very extensively in yogurts, sour Cream, Cottage cheese and Ice Cream.

There are four type of kosher gelatin in the food products but none of them meet the Islamic dietary requirements and considered NOT Halal.

Different kosher certifying organizations have different beliefs.
For example kosher organization with symbols
  • OU, CRC, V, Kof K do not consider pork gelatin as a kosher gelatin.
  • K, KO accept pork gelatin as a kosher product.
So the statements such as "Gelatin is considered Kosher regardless of its source of origin", which appears in many Halal foods books is not true.
  1. Gelatin in Jell-o Gelatin products is made from pork and considered kosher by a Rabbi who certify these products with a kosher symbol K. These products are Haram (NOT HALAL).
  2. Kosher gelatin is also obtained from non kosher slaughtered cattle bones and skin in China, which is certified by a Rabbi in Florida. This gelatin is used in majority of Dannon Yogurts( Dannon's Premium Low Fat Plain, Premium Non Fat Plain and Natural Plain with UD kosher symbol do not contain any gelatin and considered as Halal products) and other brand of yogurts.
  3. Kosher gelatin is also made from pork source and listed as kosher gelatin in some products with kosher symbol KO. These products are Haram (NOT HALAL).
  4. The Union of Orthodex Jewish Congregation of America certifies a Kosher gelatin, which is made from cattle. These cattle are slaughtered according Jewish laws by a Sochet (A Rabbi). This kosher gelatin is used in Entenmann's Frosted Toaster Pastries with kosher symbol UD. Many Islamic Scholars do not accept kosher meat as the meat of Ahle-Kitab because Sochet (Rabbi) do not announce the name of Allah and other prayers on each animals.
Only fish gelatin and gelatin made from the bones and skins of Halal animals slaughtered according to Islamic Sharia is considered Halal.
  1. Kosher Symbols: Allah says in Quran 
    "This day are (all) things are good and pure made lawful unto you. The Food of the people of the books is lawful to you and yours is lawful unto them" (Sura 5, Ayat 5).
If an authentic and genuine non meat kosher certified food products bearing kosher symbols such as OU, K. CRC, V, Kuf K, KVH, COR and Parve meet the Islamic dietary requirements, then those products are considered Halal.
However if they contain gelatin, kosher gelatin, wine, alcohol, L-cysteine from human hair, wine vinegar, rum flavor, beer batter then they are considered to be NOT Halal food products.
For example if a food product contains gelatin or Kosher gelatin and also bears kosher symbol, then it will not be considered Halal.
We do not recommend Kosher meat for Muslims because they do not announce Allah's name on each animal. Majority of Muslims do not consider it Halal. Besides, the Zabiha meat is accessible to Muslims in USA and Canada.
1) Gelatin (2) Kosher Gelatin (3) L-Cysteine made from human hair (4) Wine  (5) Liquor (6) Beer batter (7) Rum flavor (8) Ethyl Alcohol as a main ingredient appears on the ingredient list (9) Cochineal or Carmine, a red color from insects  (10) Naturally Brewed Soy Sauce (11) Yeast Extract or Autolyzed Yeast made from brewer�s yeast, a by product of beer making (12) Torula Yeast grown on alcohol  (13) Nucleotides (building block of nucleic acid) are obtained from yeast cells grown on alcohol, used in Infant Milk formulas to help babies build a good immune, digestive system and decreased incident of diarrhea (14) Vanilla Extract (15) Wine Vinegar (16) Ethyl alcohol is used as a solvent in natural and artificial flavors.
 i. Gelatin (Jell -o Gelatin products)
ii. Kosher Gelatin (from cow not slaughtered according Jewish slaughtering methods such as kosher gelatin in Dannon yogurts)
iii. Kosher Gelatin (from cows slaughtered according to Jewish method of slaughtered in which they pronounce name of Allah on the first cow and last cow, no pronouncement of Allah's name between first and last cows such as kosher gelatin in Entenmann's Frosted Toaster Pastries)
iv. Wine (Grey Poupon Mustard)

v. Alcohol
vi. Alcohol in Flavor ( Some Islamic scholars accept it as Halal and some do not, please consult your Islamic scholar)
vii. L-Cysteine from human Hair
Cochineal (Insect red color, all insect except gross hopper are Haram according to Hanafi fiqha)
viii. Naturally Brewed Soya Sauce (Soya sauce made with wheat and soy is Haram because the production of alcohol in its production and retention of 1-2% alcohol in soya sauce, Soya sauce made with water, Salt, Hydrolyzed vegetable Protein, Corn Syrup and Sodium Benzoate is Halal, it is also called All purpose Soya sauce)

ix. Brewer's Yeast Extract  ( some Islamic scholars accept it as Halal and some considered it mushbooh because it is by-product of beer making, please consult with your Islamic scholar)
x. Beta Carotene (made with gelatin, if fish gelatin or vegetable oil is used then it is Halal)
Lipolyzed Butterfat:
The use of microbial Lipase enzyme is the requirement for lipolyzed butterfat to be considered Halal. Lipolyzed butterfat is made by use of Lipase enzyme to break butter fat to provide flavor.
L-Cysteine is a non essential amino acid used in bakery products as dough conditioner. It helps keep the dough from shrinking in case of pizza crust and pita breads. It is also used in bagels. It also reduced mixing time. L-Cysteine is made from either
  • human hair,
  • chicken feathers and
  • synthetic material.
L-Cysteine from Halal synthetic material is Halal certified by Majelis Ulema of Indonesia and sale by Ajinomoto USA. BagelEz is a dough conditioner from Caravan Company of New Jersey. They used Halal certified L-Cysteine.
According to Islamic Scholars the L-Cysteine made from human hairs is considered as a Haram product.
Yeast is a single celled plant that has been useful to mankind since pre-historic times. There are numerous applications of yeast in the food industry
  • Baker's Yeast: Halal
    The role of baker yeast in baking industry is to leaven bread and related products. Baker's Yeast is a Halal yeast.
  • Brewer's Yeast: 
    This type of yeast is used in fermenting sugar in malt to produce alcohol and carbon dioxide in beer making.
  • Wine Yeast: 
    This yeast is used in making wine.
  • Alcohol Yeast : 
    Yeast is used in production of alcohol.
  • Torula Yeast: 
    Torula Yeast grows on sulfite waste and sulfite liquors. It is also grown on sugar cane. Torula yeast grown on sulphite liquor containing alcohol is not recommended for Muslims.
If it is grown on sugar cane then it is considered Halal.
  • Autolyzed Yeast Extracts or Yeast Extracts: 
    Autolyzed yeast extracts are available as a powder derived from Baker's Yeast or Brewer's Yeast. After brewing the beer, the brewer yeast is separated from the beer and subjected to self digestion, the hydrolysis of yeast cell protein by the proteolytic enzymes indigenous to yeast cell.
Brewer's yeast extracts are used in soups, meat products, gravies, snacks, crackers, part of some of the culture media in cheese making. It is used in flavors and also vitamins.
Baker's yeast extracts are used in non flavoring foods.
The Islamic Scholars have different opinions regarding the brewer's yeast extracts. Some considered it Halal, some say, it is Mukrooh and some advise not to consume foods containing brewer's yeast extract. Our Islamic scholar considered it Halal if the alcohol penetrated inside the yeast cell and changed to new thing. There is no literature available to indicate that alcohol inside yeast react and changed to a new thing. This is the reason we do not consider yeast extract from beer making as a Halal ingredient.
Please consult your Sheik or Imam on this topic.
Vinegar has been known for centuries. It is simply a dilute solution of water and acetic acid that contains coloring and flavoring agents in very small quantities from source of raw material. A typical distilled vinegar contains 95% of water and rest is acetic acid , minor constituents.
It is made by two successive microbial processes,
  • first being an alcoholic fermentation effected by yeasts and the
  • second an oxidation of alcohol by Acetobacter, a genus of aerobic bacteria.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulation states that the unmodified name vinegar apply only to the product derived from apples and that this product contain not less than 4 g of acetic acid in 100 ml of vinegar.
Vinegar also contains small quantities of ash, sugars, phosphoric acid, alcohol, and glycerol.
Vinegar is made by two process;
  1. The packed generator; and
  2. Submerged fermentation system.

Air is used in both process.
Fermentation :
The fermentation of sugar into alcohol (ethanol) and which comprises the first step in manufacturing of vinegar using the yeast Saccharomyces sp, which proceeds as follow: C6H12O6 -------> 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 (sugar source) (Ethyl Alcohol) (Carbon Dioxide)The second fermentation step requires the microorganism acetobacter (Bacterium aceti) and oxygen as indicated below:
Gelatin: is a derived water soluble protein made by controlled hydrolytic conversion of collagen, the protein constituent of white fibrous connective tissue from animals.

Gelatin is obtained from one of the following:
  Beef bones and calf skin (Gelatin type B) or
  Skin, hide splits and trimming of pork (Gelatin type A)
  Gelatin is also obtained from fish. The fish gelatin is started coming to markets in 1993 (Muslim Consumer Group reported in one of Chicago Muslim news paper in 1993). It is expensive than pork and beef and also provide little unpleasant smell to the food products.
Fish gelatin is used in Procter & Gamble's Sunny Delight fruit drinks. It is combined with Beta carotene a plant based color as a processing aid ingredient (not reported under the ingredients list) to help disperse the Beta carotene in liquid system. Fish gelatin was also used by Saputo Cheese Company under Stella, Frigo, Lorraine and Dragone brands for low fat and reduced fat cheeses. The Fish gelatin meets the Islamic dietary requirements and is considered as a Halal ingredient.
Majority of Muslims do not purchase food products containing gelatin but a minority of Muslims consume food products made from Non-Zabiha beef gelatin. If these products are not under kosher certification, the manufacturer can change the source of gelatin from Non-Zabiha to pork.
2C2H5OH + 2O2 ---------> 2CH3COOH + 2H2O (Ethyl Alcohol) (Oxygen) (Acetic Acid) (Water)
Malt vinegar is used extensively in Britain, and wine vinegar in continental Europe.
Distilled white vinegar and cider vinegar is preferred in USA and Canada.
Types of Vinegar:
There are six type vinegar is used throughout the world.
  1. Distilled White or Grain or Spirit Vinegar: It is produced from the natural fermentation of dilute alcohol to vinegar. The vinegar is filtered and contains Natural mellow aroma.
  2. Apple Cider Vinegar: It is produced from unprocessed apple juice and vinegar retains its natural amber color and fruity flavor.
  3. Wine Vinegar: Wine vinegar is produced from Burgandy wine and other wines.It retains a ruby color and wine like flavor. It is used in Oil-Vinegar Dressing and gourmet cooking and condiments.
  4. Corn (Maize) sugar Vinegar: This type of vinegar is produced from corn sugar. Sugar is first converted to alcohol then alcohol is converted to acetic acid and water. It is also a amber color vinegar.
  5. Malt Vinegar: Malt vinegar is produced from the fermentation of malt to alcohol and then it is converted to vinegar.
  6. Specialty Vinegar such as Balsamic Vinegar: Balsamic vinegar is produced in Modena Italy from white and sugary Trebbiano grapes with special labor intensive method to special flavor and aroma There is possibility of left over wine in this vinegar.
Halal Status of vinegar:
There is a different of opinion among Hanafi and Shafi fiqa schools regarding vinegar.
There is also different of opinion among Islamic Scholars regarding wine vinegar. Since there is possibility of wine being not 100% converted to acetic acid and water. There is left over wine in the wine vinegar, we consider wine vinegar not a Halal vinegar. We recommend distilled white vinegar because it is made from dilute alcohol. Please consult your sheik or Imam on this topic.
Milk from buffalo, camel, cow and goat is Halal by itself however milk in the US and Canada from cows and goats must be fortified with vitamins A and D by law. California is the only state where milk can be sold without vitamin fortification. In 1994, the Muslim Consumer Group brought the following facts about vitamins fortification of milk.

a. What are the source of Vitamins A and D:Vitamin A for milk fortification is produced commercially by reacting calcium carbonate with water and then esterified with palmitic acid (source can be from a plant or an animal or a synthetic).
Vitamin D3 is produced from sheep's wool lanolin (Halal).

 b. Presence of an emulsifier in Vitamin Mixes: 
A fat based emulsifier Polysorbate 80 is added to the vitamin mix for milk fortification s as a processing aid ingredient to help vitamins to be mix and distributed evenly with milk so that it is satisfy the law requirement of a specific amount of vitamins per quart of milk. This emulsifier is not mentioned on the ingredient declaration on the milk containers because it is considered a processing aid. This emulsifier should not be from pork fat. It has to be from plant fat such as soy bean.

c. This vitamins mixture must be certified as Halal or kosher because there is no FDA regulations about the source of vitamins and the emulsifier for vitamin mix. If a manufacturer wishes to use an emulsifier and vitamins from pork source, there is no law to prevent it.

d. Now almost every dairy in USA is using Kosher certified vitamin mix, so the milk in USA and Canada is Halal. 

e. Composition of Vitamin mix for milk fortification: 
Vitamin mix for milk fortification is made of Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Water, Polysorbate 80 (an emulsifier), Propylene Glycol (to prevent freezing) and Sodium Benzoate as preservative. These ingredients other than Vitamin A and Vitamin D3 will not appear on the ingredients list of milk on its bottle because they considered as processing aid ingredients.

Tastemaker, Bungi Foods, Vitamins Inc., Danisco-Grindsted are the major suppliers for the vitamin mix (BASF and Roche vitamins are main suppliers of vitamin A & D) to the milk industry. These companies have kosher certified vitamin mixes. The vitamin mixes from above companies are consider Halal.
Vanilla is the most world prized flavor. It is obtained from the beans of a tropical vine of genus vanilla. The beans at harvest do not have the characteristic vanilla fragrance but requires curing processes to obtain the vanilla fragrance.
All curing methods involve four basic phases:
  1. Wilting or killing of the beans that stops the natural respiratory metabolism and vegetative life of the pod.
  2. Sweating the wilted beans which involves a fairly rapid dehydration and slow fermentation. The characteristic flavor compounds develops here during which sugars, phenols, vanillin compound are developed by enzymatic and non-enzymatic reaction.
  3. Drying of sweated beans at very slowly at a lower temperature to 20-25% moisture.
  4. Conditioning of the dried beans in closed boxes for a few months where they finish the development of their characteristic fragrance.
Vanilla Standards: Vanilla extract is the only flavoring material with a US FDA standard of identity. It is included in the code of Federal Regulation (21CFR-169).
Vanilla Extraction and Ice Cream Standard: Vanilla standards was developed and promulgated concurrent and in close relation with Ice Cream Standard(21-CFR-135.110).
The labeling of Ice Cream is dependent on the type of flavoring used.
  • Category I (21CFR-135):
    Vanilla Ice Cream contains only pure vanilla components and no artificial flavors.
  • Category II (21CFR-135):
    Vanilla ice cream can be flavored with up toone ounce of synthetic vanillin per unit of vanilla extract. This is a natural and artificial product and labeled vanilla flavored Ice cream.
  • Category III (21CFR-135):
    Ice cream contains predominantly or exclusively an artificial vanilla flavoring that includes primary synthetic vanillin. This product must be labeled Artificially flavored or Artificial vanilla.
  1. Vanilla Beans: Vanilla beans are identified as the properly cured and dried fruit-pods of Vanilla planifolia in vanilla standard 21-CFR-169.3. Vanilla Extracts and Vanilla Powders: The reminder of the standard is involved with describing in general terms how the extract is made and what other ingredients can be used. It also defines other products related to pure vanilla extract (what constitutes them and how they can be labeled).
  2. Vanilla extract (extracted with alcohol).
  3. Vanilla flavoring (extracted with alcohol)
  4. Concentrated vanilla flavoring (extracted with alcohol)
  5. Vanilla powder (no alcohol is used)
  6. Vanilla-Vanillin extract (extracted with alcohol)
  7. Vanilla-Vanillin flavoring (extracted with alcohol)
  8. Vanilla-Vanillin powder (Vanillin may be obtained with or without alcohol)
The more significant statement in the standard, which should be noted, require that the finished extract have no less than 35% ethyl alcohol and contains no less than one unit of vanilla bean per gallon. There is no animal derived ingredients are used in the above products.
  1. New Methods of Extractions: Modern methods of extraction are used such as supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and reverse osmosis for concentration. These methods produce useful products for industrial flavoring but they either fail to fit the regulatory requirements (alcohol extraction) for standard products, but they are expensive. These specialized products differ in solubility, flavor profile, and appearance but add to the list of natural vanilla flavoring available to food and beverages manufacturers.
  2. Vanilla beans: Pure Vanilla beans (21CFR-169.3) are available for both food manufacturers for processed foods and common consumers for home bake products (McCormik brand of pure vanilla beans are available in supermarkets).
  3. Vanilla Flavor: A vanilla flavor may be in fact being non-alcoholic but it has to be outside of standard of identity.
  4. Vanilla Powder: This is a standard vanilla product (21CFR-169.179). Vanilla powder is a mixture of ground vanilla beans or vanilla oleoresin or both with one or more of the following optional blending ingredients (a) Sugars, (b) dextrose, (c) Lactose, (d) Food Starch, (e) dried corn syrup, (f) Gum acacia. Vanilla sugar is different from vanilla powder with sugar. Vanilla Sugar is made with sugar and vanilla extract and considered as Haram ingredient because of alcohol.
  5. Vanilla-Vanillin Powder: This is the same, as vanilla powder but contains not more than one ounce of added vanillin. This is also a standard product (21CFR-169.182). But this product is Halal only if added vanillin is obtained from vanilla bean without alcohol.
Vanillin (4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde) a pleasant smelling aromatic compound occurs naturally in vanilla bean and also obtained from as by-product of pulp and paper industry by the oxidative break down of lignin. It may also be prepared by synthesis.
(vanilla bean flavor component)
C8H8O3 Molecular weight: 152.16
Artificial or synthetic vanillin do not contain alcohol and it is also Halal or Kosher certified. It is a Halal ingredient.
Artificial or synthetic vanillin is made with all Halal ingredients and Halal process without alcohol. Lignin which used to make the artificial vanillin is plant products which is Halal by nature. Only methane is used as a solvent which is a Halal solvent.

There are three steps, a Muslim can used to identify the Halal Vanilla and artificial vanillin in a food product.
Step Number 1: Read the ingredients list on the food package. If you find a vanilla extract under the ingredients statement, this means the vanilla is extracted with alcohol and alcohol containing vanilla extract is added to the products. Vanilla Extract is a Haram ingredient. Stop here, do not use the product.
Step Number 2: If the ingredient statement does not indicate the presence of vanilla extract but indicate the presence of vanilla flavor or Natural flavor or Natural and Artificial Flavor, look for kosher symbol, if you find kosher symbol, this indicates that no animal derived ingredients are used in vanilla flavor or Natural & Artificial flavor.
This does not mean the product is Halal. Use of alcohol in vanilla flavor or Natural and Artificial flavor has to be investigated.
Step Number 3: Contact the food manufacturer to find out whether alcohol is used as the carrier or solvent in the vanilla flavor or Natural and Artificial flavor, if not, then consume the product.
If alcohol is used as a solvent, then do not consume the product.
Some Ice Cream manufacturer used rework ice cream products with flavors containing alcohol in an Ice Cream product, which do not have any flavor, or vanilla at all as indicated by the ingredient list. Good Humor Company is using this practice for their Breyer brand of Ice Cream. It is possible others do not use this practice.
Some Islamic Scholars considered a food product Not Halal if it is made with flavor containing alcohol as a solvent. But the others considered it Halal because they said the small or large quantity of the product does not intoxicate a person. Please consult your Sheik or Imam on this topic.
C6H12O6 -------> 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 (sugar source) (Ethyl Alcohol) (Carbon Dioxide) The second fermentation step requires the microorganism acetobacter (Bacterium aceti) and oxygen as indicated below: 2C2H5OH + 2O2 ---------> 2CH3COOH + 2H2O (Ethyl Alcohol) (Oxygen) FYI
Malt vinegar is used extensively in Britain, and wine vinegar in continental Europe.
Distilled white vinegar and cider vinegar is preferred in USA and CanadaTypes of Vinegar:
The use of microbial Lipase enzyme is the requirement for lipolyzed butterfat to be considered Halal. Lipolyzed butterfat is made by use of Lipase enzyme to break butter fat to provide flavor.
L-Cysteine is a non essential amino acid used in bakery products as dough conditioner. It helps keep the dough from shrinking in case of pizza crust and pita breads. It is also used in bagels. It also reduced mixing time. L-Cysteine is made from either
  • human hair,
  • chicken feathers and
  • synthetic material.
L-Cysteine from Halal synthetic material is Halal certified by Majelis Ulema of Indonesia and sale by Ajinomoto USA. BagelEz is a dough conditioner from Caravan Company of New Jersey. They used Halal certified L-Cysteine.
According to Islamic Scholars the L-Cysteine made from human hairs is considered as a Haram product.
Yeast is a single celled plant that has been useful to mankind since pre-historic times. There are numerous applications of yeast in the food industry
  • Baker's Yeast: Halal
    The role of baker yeast in baking industry is to leaven bread and related products. Baker's Yeast is a Halal yeast.
  • Brewer's Yeast:
    This type of yeast is used in fermenting sugar in malt to produce alcohol and carbon dioxide in beer making.
  • Wine Yeast:
    This yeast is used in making wine.
  • Alcohol Yeast :
    Yeast is used in production of alcohol.
  • Torula Yeast:
    Torula Yeast grows on sulfite waste and sulfite liquors. It is also grown on sugar cane. Torula yeast grown on sulphite liquor containing alcohol is not recommended for Muslims.
If it is grown on sugar cane then it is considered Halal.
  • Autolyzed Yeast Extracts or Yeast Extracts:
    Autolyzed yeast extracts are available as a powder derived from Baker's Yeast or Brewer's Yeast. After brewing the beer, the brewer yeast is separated from the beer and subjected to self digestion, the hydrolysis of yeast cell protein by the proteolytic enzymes indigenous to yeast cell.
Brewer's yeast extracts are used in soups, meat products, gravies, snacks, crackers, part of some of the culture media in cheese making. It is used in flavors and also vitamins.
Baker's yeast extracts are used in non flavoring foods.
The Islamic Scholars have different opinions regarding the brewer's yeast extracts. Some considered it Halal, some say, it is Mukrooh and some advise not to consume foods containing brewer's yeast extract. Our Islamic scholar considered it Halal if the alcohol penetrated inside the yeast cell and changed to new thing. There is no literature available to indicate that alcohol inside yeast react and changed to a new thing. This is the reason we do not consider yeast extract from beer making as a Halal ingredient.
Please consult your Sheik or Imam on this topic.
Vinegar has been known for centuries. It is simply a dilute solution of water and acetic acid that contains coloring and flavoring agents in very small quantities from source of raw material. A typical distilled vinegar contains 95% of water and rest is acetic acid , minor constituents.
It is made by two successive microbial processes,
  • first being an alcoholic fermentation effected by yeasts and the
  • second an oxidation of alcohol by Acetobacter, a genus of aerobic bacteria.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulation states that the unmodified name vinegar apply only to the product derived from apples and that this product contain not less than 4 g of acetic acid in 100 ml of vinegar.
Vinegar also contains small quantities of ash, sugars, phosphoric acid, alcohol, and glycerol.
Vinegar is made by two process;
  1. The packed generator; and
  2. Submerged fermentation system.

Air is used in both process.
Fermentation :
The fermentation of sugar into alcohol (ethanol) and which comprises the first step in manufacturing of vinegar using the yeast Saccharomyces sp, which proceeds as follow: C6H12O6 -------> 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 (sugar source) (Ethyl Alcohol) (Carbon DioxideThe second fermentation step requires the microorganism acetobacter (Bacterium aceti) and oxygen as indicated below:
L-Cysteine: is a non essential amino acid used in bakery products as dough conditioner. It helps keep the dough from shrinking in case of pizza crust and pita breads. It is also used in bagels. It also reduced mixing time. L-Cysteine is made from either
  • human hair,
  • chicken feathers and
  • synthetic material.
L-Cysteine from Halal synthetic material is Halal certified by Majelis Ulema of Indonesia and sale by Ajinomoto USA. BagelEz is a dough conditioner from Caravan Company of New Jersey. They used Halal certified L-Cysteine.
According to Islamic Scholars the L-Cysteine made from human hairs is considered as a Haram product.
Yeast is a single celled plant that has been useful to mankind since pre-historic times. There are numerous applications of yeast in the food industry
  • Baker's Yeast: Halal
    The role of baker yeast in baking industry is to leaven bread and related products. Baker's Yeast is a Halal yeast.
  • Brewer's Yeast:
    This type of yeast is used in fermenting sugar in malt to produce alcohol and carbon dioxide in beer making.
  • Wine Yeast:
    This yeast is used in making wine.
  • Alcohol Yeast :
    Yeast is used in production of alcohol.
  • Torula Yeast:
    Torula Yeast grows on sulfite waste and sulfite liquors. It is also grown on sugar cane. Torula yeast grown on sulphite liquor containing alcohol is not recommended for Muslims.
If it is grown on sugar cane then it is considered Halal.
  • Autolyzed Yeast Extracts or Yeast Extracts:
    Autolyzed yeast extracts are available as a powder derived from Baker's Yeast or Brewer's Yeast. After brewing the beer, the brewer yeast is separated from the beer and subjected to self digestion, the hydrolysis of yeast cell protein by the proteolytic enzymes indigenous to yeast cell.
Brewer's yeast extracts are used in soups, meat products, gravies, snacks, crackers, part of some of the culture media in cheese making. It is used in flavors and also vitamins.
Baker's yeast extracts are used in non flavoring foods.
The Islamic Scholars have different opinions regarding the brewer's yeast extracts. Some considered it Halal, some say, it is Mukrooh and some advise not to consume foods containing brewer's yeast extract. Our Islamic scholar considered it Halal if the alcohol penetrated inside the yeast cell and changed to new thing. There is no literature available to indicate that alcohol inside yeast react and changed to a new thing. This is the reason we do not consider yeast extract from beer making as a Halal ingredient.
Please consult your Sheik or Imam on this topic.
Vinegar has been known for centuries. It is simply a dilute solution of water and acetic acid that contains coloring and flavoring agents in very small quantities from source of raw material. A typical distilled vinegar contains 95% of water and rest is acetic acid , minor constituents.
It is made by two successive microbial processes,
  • first being an alcoholic fermentation effected by yeasts and the
  • second an oxidation of alcohol by Acetobacter, a genus of aerobic bacteria.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulation states that the unmodified name vinegar apply only to the product derived from apples and that this product contain not less than 4 g of acetic acid in 100 ml of vinegar.
Vinegar also contains small quantities of ash, sugars, phosphoric acid, alcohol, and glycerol.
Vinegar is made by two process;
  1. The packed generator; and
  2. Submerged fermentation system.

Air is used in both process.
Fermentation :
The fermentation of sugar into alcohol (ethanol) and which comprises the first step in manufacturing of vinegar using the yeast Saccharomyces sp, which proceeds as follow: C6H12O6 -------> 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 (sugar source) (Ethyl Alcohol) (Carbon DioxideThe second fermentation step requires the microorganism acetobacter (Bacterium aceti) and oxygen as indicated below:
 Yeast is a single celled plant that has been useful to mankind since pre-historic times. There are numerous applications of yeast in the food industry
Baker's Yeast: Halal
The role of baker yeast in baking industry is to leaven bread and related products. Baker's Yeast is a Halal yeast.
Brewer's Yeast: 
This type of yeast is used in fermenting sugar in malt to produce alcohol and carbon dioxide in beer making.
Wine Yeast: 
This yeast is used in making wine.
Alcohol Yeast : 
Yeast is used in production of alcohol.
Torula Yeast: 
Torula Yeast grows on sulfite waste and sulfite liquors. It is also grown on sugar cane. Torula yeast grown on sulphite liquor containing alcohol is not recommended for Muslims.
If it is grown on sugar cane then it is considered Halal.
Autolyzed Yeast Extracts or Yeast Extracts: 
Autolyzed yeast extracts are available as a powder derived from Baker's Yeast or Brewer's Yeast. After brewing the beer, the brewer yeast is separated from the beer and subjected to self digestion, the hydrolysis of yeast cell protein by the proteolytic enzymes indigenous to yeast cell.
Brewer's yeast extracts are used in soups, meat products, gravies, snacks, crackers, part of some of the culture media in cheese making. It is used in flavors and also vitamins.
Baker's yeast extracts are used in non flavoring foods.
The Islamic Scholars have different opinions regarding the brewer's yeast extracts. Some considered it Halal, some say, it is Mukrooh and some advise not to consume foods containing brewer's yeast extract. Our Islamic scholar considered it Halal if the alcohol penetrated inside the yeast cell and changed to new thing. There is no literature available to indicate that alcohol inside yeast react and changed to a new thing. This is the reason we do not consider yeast extract from beer making as a Halal ingredient.
Please consult your Sheik or Imam on this topic.
2C2H5OH + 2O2 ---------> 2CH3COOH + 2H2O (Ethyl Alcohol) (Oxygen) (Acetic Acid) (Water)
Malt vinegar is used extensively in Britain, and wine vinegar in continental Europe.
Distilled white vinegar and cider vinegar is preferred in USA and Canada.
Types of Vinegar:
There are six type vinegar is used throughout the world.
  1. Distilled White or Grain or Spirit Vinegar: It is produced from the natural fermentation of dilute alcohol to vinegar. The vinegar is filtered and contains Natural mellow aroma.
  2. Apple Cider Vinegar: It is produced from unprocessed apple juice and vinegar retains its natural amber color and fruity flavor.
  3. Wine Vinegar: Wine vinegar is produced from Burgandy wine and other wines.It retains a ruby color and wine like flavor. It is used in Oil-Vinegar Dressing and gourmet cooking and condiments.
  4. Corn (Maize) sugar Vinegar: This type of vinegar is produced from corn sugar. Sugar is first converted to alcohol then alcohol is converted to acetic acid and water. It is also a amber color vinegar.
  5. Malt Vinegar: Malt vinegar is produced from the fermentation of malt to alcohol and then it is converted to vinegar.
  6. Specialty Vinegar such as Balsamic Vinegar: Balsamic vinegar is produced in Modena Italy from white and sugary Trebbiano grapes with special labor intensive method to special flavor and aroma There is possibility of left over wine in this vinegar.
Halal Status of vinegar:
There is a different of opinion among Hanafi and Shafi fiqa schools regarding vinegar.
There is also different of opinion among Islamic Scholars regarding wine vinegar. Since there is possibility of wine being not 100% converted to acetic acid and water. There is left over wine in the wine vinegar, we consider wine vinegar not a Halal vinegar. We recommend distilled white vinegar because it is made from dilute alcohol. Please consult your sheik or Imam on this topic.
Milk from buffalo, camel, cow and goat is Halal by itself however milk in the US and Canada from cows and goats must be fortified with vitamins A and D by law. California is the only state where milk can be sold without vitamin fortification. In 1994, the Muslim Consumer Group brought the following facts about vitamins fortification of milk.

a. What are the source of Vitamins A and D:
Vitamin A for milk fortification is produced commercially by reacting calcium carbonate with water and then esterified with palmitic acid (source can be from a plant or an animal or a synthetic).
Vitamin D3 is produced from sheep's wool lanolin (Halal).

 b. Presence of an emulsifier in Vitamin Mixes:
A fat based emulsifier Polysorbate 80 is added to the vitamin mix for milk fortification s as a processing aid ingredient to help vitamins to be mix and distributed evenly with milk so that it is satisfy the law requirement of a specific amount of vitamins per quart of milk. This emulsifier is not mentioned on the ingredient declaration on the milk containers because it is considered a processing aid. This emulsifier should not be from pork fat. It has to be from plant fat such as soy bean.

c. This vitamins mixture must be certified as Halal or kosher because there is no FDA regulations about the source of vitamins and the emulsifier for vitamin mix. If a manufacturer wishes to use an emulsifier and vitamins from pork source, there is no law to prevent it.

d. Now almost every dairy in USA is using Kosher certified vitamin mix, so the milk in USA and Canada is Halal.

e. Composition of Vitamin mix for milk fortification:
Vitamin mix for milk fortification is made of Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Water, Polysorbate 80 (an emulsifier), Propylene Glycol (to prevent freezing) and Sodium Benzoate as preservative. These ingredients other than Vitamin A and Vitamin D3 will not appear on the ingredients list of milk on its bottle because they considered as processing aid ingredients.

Tastemaker, Bungi Foods, Vitamins Inc., Danisco-Grindsted are the major suppliers for the vitamin mix (BASF and Roche vitamins are main suppliers of vitamin A & D) to the milk industry. These companies have kosher certified vitamin mixes. The vitamin mixes from above companies are consider Halal.
Vanilla is the most world prized flavor. It is obtained from the beans of a tropical vine of genus vanilla. The beans at harvest do not have the characteristic vanilla fragrance but requires curing processes to obtain the vanilla fragrance.
All curing methods involve four basic phases:
  1. Wilting or killing of the beans that stops the natural respiratory metabolism and vegetative life of the pod.
  2. Sweating the wilted beans which involves a fairly rapid dehydration and slow fermentation. The characteristic flavor compounds develops here during which sugars, phenols, vanillin compound are developed by enzymatic and non-enzymatic reaction.
  3. Drying of sweated beans at very slowly at a lower temperature to 20-25% moisture.
  4. Conditioning of the dried beans in closed boxes for a few months where they finish the development of their characteristic fragrance.
Vanilla Standards: Vanilla extract is the only flavoring material with a US FDA standard of identity. It is included in the code of Federal Regulation (21CFR-169).
Vanilla Extraction and Ice Cream Standard: Vanilla standards was developed and promulgated concurrent and in close relation with Ice Cream Standard(21-CFR-135.110).
The labeling of Ice Cream is dependent on the type of flavoring used.
  • Category I (21CFR-135):
    Vanilla Ice Cream contains only pure vanilla components and no artificial flavors.
  • Category II (21CFR-135):
    Vanilla ice cream can be flavored with up toone ounce of synthetic vanillin per unit of vanilla extract. This is a natural and artificial product and labeled vanilla flavored Ice cream.
  • Category III (21CFR-135):
    Ice cream contains predominantly or exclusively an artificial vanilla flavoring that includes primary synthetic vanillin. This product must be labeled Artificially flavored or Artificial vanilla.
  1. Vanilla Beans: Vanilla beans are identified as the properly cured and dried fruit-pods of Vanilla planifolia in vanilla standard 21-CFR-169.3. Vanilla Extracts and Vanilla Powders: The reminder of the standard is involved with describing in general terms how the extract is made and what other ingredients can be used. It also defines other products related to pure vanilla extract (what constitutes them and how they can be labeled).
  2. Vanilla extract (extracted with alcohol).
  3. Vanilla flavoring (extracted with alcohol)
  4. Concentrated vanilla flavoring (extracted with alcohol)
  5. Vanilla powder (no alcohol is used)
  6. Vanilla-Vanillin extract (extracted with alcohol)
  7. Vanilla-Vanillin flavoring (extracted with alcohol)
  8. Vanilla-Vanillin powder (Vanillin may be obtained with or without alcohol)
The more significant statement in the standard, which should be noted, require that the finished extract have no less than 35% ethyl alcohol and contains no less than one unit of vanilla bean per gallon. There is no animal derived ingredients are used in the above products.
  1. New Methods of Extractions: Modern methods of extraction are used such as supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and reverse osmosis for concentration. These methods produce useful products for industrial flavoring but they either fail to fit the regulatory requirements (alcohol extraction) for standard products, but they are expensive. These specialized products differ in solubility, flavor profile, and appearance but add to the list of natural vanilla flavoring available to food and beverages manufacturers.
  2. Vanilla beans: Pure Vanilla beans (21CFR-169.3) are available for both food manufacturers for processed foods and common consumers for home bake products (McCormik brand of pure vanilla beans are available in supermarkets).
  3. Vanilla Flavor: A vanilla flavor may be in fact being non-alcoholic but it has to be outside of standard of identity.
  4. Vanilla Powder: This is a standard vanilla product (21CFR-169.179). Vanilla powder is a mixture of ground vanilla beans or vanilla oleoresin or both with one or more of the following optional blending ingredients (a) Sugars, (b) dextrose, (c) Lactose, (d) Food Starch, (e) dried corn syrup, (f) Gum acacia. Vanilla sugar is different from vanilla powder with sugar. Vanilla Sugar is made with sugar and vanilla extract and considered as Haram ingredient because of alcohol.
  5. Vanilla-Vanillin Powder: This is the same, as vanilla powder but contains not more than one ounce of added vanillin. This is also a standard product (21CFR-169.182). But this product is Halal only if added vanillin is obtained from vanilla bean without alcohol.
Vanillin (4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde) a pleasant smelling aromatic compound occurs naturally in vanilla bean and also obtained from as by-product of pulp and paper industry by the oxidative break down of lignin. It may also be prepared by synthesis.
(vanilla bean flavor component)
C8H8O3 Molecular weight: 152.16
Artificial or synthetic vanillin do not contain alcohol and it is also Halal or Kosher certified. It is a Halal ingredient.
Artificial or synthetic vanillin is made with all Halal ingredients and Halal process without alcohol. Lignin which used to make the artificial vanillin is plant products which is Halal by nature. Only methane is used as a solvent which is a Halal solvent.

There are three steps, a Muslim can used to identify the Halal Vanilla and artificial vanillin in a food product.
Step Number 1: Read the ingredients list on the food package. If you find a vanilla extract under the ingredients statement, this means the vanilla is extracted with alcohol and alcohol containing vanilla extract is added to the products. Vanilla Extract is a Haram ingredient. Stop here, do not use the product.
Step Number 2: If the ingredient statement does not indicate the presence of vanilla extract but indicate the presence of vanilla flavor or Natural flavor or Natural and Artificial Flavor, look for kosher symbol, if you find kosher symbol, this indicates that no animal derived ingredients are used in vanilla flavor or Natural & Artificial flavor.
This does not mean the product is Halal. Use of alcohol in vanilla flavor or Natural and Artificial flavor has to be investigated.
Step Number 3: Contact the food manufacturer to find out whether alcohol is used as the carrier or solvent in the vanilla flavor or Natural and Artificial flavor, if not, then consume the product.
If alcohol is used as a solvent, then do not consume the product.
Some Ice Cream manufacturer used rework ice cream products with flavors containing alcohol in an Ice Cream product, which do not have any flavor, or vanilla at all as indicated by the ingredient list. Good Humor Company is using this practice for their Breyer brand of Ice Cream. It is possible others do not use this practice.
Some Islamic Scholars considered a food product Not Halal if it is made with flavor containing alcohol as a solvent. But the others considered it Halal because they said the small or large quantity of the product does not intoxicate a person. Please consult your Sheik or Imam on this topic.
2C2H5OH + 2O2 ---------> 2CH3COOH + 2H2O (Ethyl Alcohol) (Oxygen) (Acetic Acid) (Water)
Malt vinegar is used extensively in Britain, and wine vinegar in continental Europe.
Distilled white vinegar and cider vinegar is preferred in USA and Canada.
Types of Vinegar:
There are six type vinegar is used throughout the world.
  1. Distilled White or Grain or Spirit Vinegar: It is produced from the natural fermentation of dilute alcohol to vinegar. The vinegar is filtered and contains Natural mellow aroma.
  2. Apple Cider Vinegar: It is produced from unprocessed apple juice and vinegar retains its natural amber color and fruity flavor.
  3. Wine Vinegar: Wine vinegar is produced from Burgandy wine and other wines.It retains a ruby color and wine like flavor. It is used in Oil-Vinegar Dressing and gourmet cooking and condiments.
  4. Corn (Maize) sugar Vinegar: This type of vinegar is produced from corn sugar. Sugar is first converted to alcohol then alcohol is converted to acetic acid and water. It is also a amber color vinegar.
  5. Malt Vinegar: Malt vinegar is produced from the fermentation of malt to alcohol and then it is converted to vinegar.
  6. Specialty Vinegar such as Balsamic Vinegar: Balsamic vinegar is produced in Modena Italy from white and sugary Trebbiano grapes with special labor intensive method to special flavor and aroma There is possibility of left over wine in this vinegar.
Halal Status of vinegar:
There is a different of opinion among Hanafi and Shafi fiqa schools regarding vinegar.
There is also different of opinion among Islamic Scholars regarding wine vinegar. Since there is possibility of wine being not 100% converted to acetic acid and water. There is left over wine in the wine vinegar, we consider wine vinegar not a Halal vinegar. We recommend distilled white vinegar because it is made from dilute alcohol. Please consult your sheik or Imam on this topic.
Milk from buffalo, camel, cow and goat is Halal by itself however milk in the US and Canada from cows and goats must be fortified with vitamins A and D by law. California is the only state where milk can be sold without vitamin fortification. In 1994, the Muslim Consumer Group brought the following facts about vitamins fortification of milk.

a. What are the source of Vitamins A and D:
Vitamin A for milk fortification is produced commercially by reacting calcium carbonate with water and then esterified with palmitic acid (source can be from a plant or an animal or a synthetic).
Vitamin D3 is produced from sheep's wool lanolin (Halal).

 b. Presence of an emulsifier in Vitamin Mixes:
A fat based emulsifier Polysorbate 80 is added to the vitamin mix for milk fortification s as a processing aid ingredient to help vitamins to be mix and distributed evenly with milk so that it is satisfy the law requirement of a specific amount of vitamins per quart of milk. This emulsifier is not mentioned on the ingredient declaration on the milk containers because it is considered a processing aid. This emulsifier should not be from pork fat. It has to be from plant fat such as soy bean.

c. This vitamins mixture must be certified as Halal or kosher because there is no FDA regulations about the source of vitamins and the emulsifier for vitamin mix. If a manufacturer wishes to use an emulsifier and vitamins from pork source, there is no law to prevent it.

d. Now almost every dairy in USA is using Kosher certified vitamin mix, so the milk in USA and Canada is Halal.

e. Composition of Vitamin mix for milk fortification:
Vitamin mix for milk fortification is made of Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Water, Polysorbate 80 (an emulsifier), Propylene Glycol (to prevent freezing) and Sodium Benzoate as preservative. These ingredients other than Vitamin A and Vitamin D3 will not appear on the ingredients list of milk on its bottle because they considered as processing aid ingredients.

Tastemaker, Bungi Foods, Vitamins Inc., Danisco-Grindsted are the major suppliers for the vitamin mix (BASF and Roche vitamins are main suppliers of vitamin A & D) to the milk industry. These companies have kosher certified vitamin mixes. The vitamin mixes from above companies are consider Halal.
Vanilla is the most world prized flavor. It is obtained from the beans of a tropical vine of genus vanilla. The beans at harvest do not have the characteristic vanilla fragrance but requires curing processes to obtain the vanilla fragrance.
All curing methods involve four basic phases:
  1. Wilting or killing of the beans that stops the natural respiratory metabolism and vegetative life of the pod.
  2. Sweating the wilted beans which involves a fairly rapid dehydration and slow fermentation. The characteristic flavor compounds develops here during which sugars, phenols, vanillin compound are developed by enzymatic and non-enzymatic reaction.
  3. Drying of sweated beans at very slowly at a lower temperature to 20-25% moisture.
  4. Conditioning of the dried beans in closed boxes for a few months where they finish the development of their characteristic fragrance.
Vanilla Standards: Vanilla extract is the only flavoring material with a US FDA standard of identity. It is included in the code of Federal Regulation (21CFR-169).
Vanilla Extraction and Ice Cream Standard: Vanilla standards was developed and promulgated concurrent and in close relation with Ice Cream Standard(21-CFR-135.110).
The labeling of Ice Cream is dependent on the type of flavoring used.
  • Category I (21CFR-135):
    Vanilla Ice Cream contains only pure vanilla components and no artificial flavors.
  • Category II (21CFR-135):
    Vanilla ice cream can be flavored with up toone ounce of synthetic vanillin per unit of vanilla extract. This is a natural and artificial product and labeled vanilla flavored Ice cream.
  • Category III (21CFR-135):
    Ice cream contains predominantly or exclusively an artificial vanilla flavoring that includes primary synthetic vanillin. This product must be labeled Artificially flavored or Artificial vanilla.
  1. Vanilla Beans: Vanilla beans are identified as the properly cured and dried fruit-pods of Vanilla planifolia in vanilla standard 21-CFR-169.3. Vanilla Extracts and Vanilla Powders: The reminder of the standard is involved with describing in general terms how the extract is made and what other ingredients can be used. It also defines other products related to pure vanilla extract (what constitutes them and how they can be labeled).
  2. Vanilla extract (extracted with alcohol).
  3. Vanilla flavoring (extracted with alcohol)
  4. Concentrated vanilla flavoring (extracted with alcohol)
  5. Vanilla powder (no alcohol is used)
  6. Vanilla-Vanillin extract (extracted with alcohol)
  7. Vanilla-Vanillin flavoring (extracted with alcohol)
  8. Vanilla-Vanillin powder (Vanillin may be obtained with or without alcohol)
The more significant statement in the standard, which should be noted, require that the finished extract have no less than 35% ethyl alcohol and contains no less than one unit of vanilla bean per gallon. There is no animal derived ingredients are used in the above products.
  1. New Methods of Extractions: Modern methods of extraction are used such as supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and reverse osmosis for concentration. These methods produce useful products for industrial flavoring but they either fail to fit the regulatory requirements (alcohol extraction) for standard products, but they are expensive. These specialized products differ in solubility, flavor profile, and appearance but add to the list of natural vanilla flavoring available to food and beverages manufacturers.
  2. Vanilla beans: Pure Vanilla beans (21CFR-169.3) are available for both food manufacturers for processed foods and common consumers for home bake products (McCormik brand of pure vanilla beans are available in supermarkets).
  3. Vanilla Flavor: A vanilla flavor may be in fact being non-alcoholic but it has to be outside of standard of identity.
  4. Vanilla Powder: This is a standard vanilla product (21CFR-169.179). Vanilla powder is a mixture of ground vanilla beans or vanilla oleoresin or both with one or more of the following optional blending ingredients (a) Sugars, (b) dextrose, (c) Lactose, (d) Food Starch, (e) dried corn syrup, (f) Gum acacia. Vanilla sugar is different from vanilla powder with sugar. Vanilla Sugar is made with sugar and vanilla extract and considered as Haram ingredient because of alcohol.
  5. Vanilla-Vanillin Powder: This is the same, as vanilla powder but contains not more than one ounce of added vanillin. This is also a standard product (21CFR-169.182). But this product is Halal only if added vanillin is obtained from vanilla bean without alcohol.
Vanillin (4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde) a pleasant smelling aromatic compound occurs naturally in vanilla bean and also obtained from as by-product of pulp and paper industry by the oxidative break down of lignin. It may also be prepared by synthesis.
(vanilla bean flavor component)
C8H8O3 Molecular weight: 152.16
Artificial or synthetic vanillin do not contain alcohol and it is also Halal or Kosher certified. It is a Halal ingredient.
Artificial or synthetic vanillin is made with all Halal ingredients and Halal process without alcohol. Lignin which used to make the artificial vanillin is plant products which is Halal by nature. Only methane is used as a solvent which is a Halal solvent.

There are three steps, a Muslim can used to identify the Halal Vanilla and artificial vanillin in a food product.
Step Number 1: Read the ingredients list on the food package. If you find a vanilla extract under the ingredients statement, this means the vanilla is extracted with alcohol and alcohol containing vanilla extract is added to the products. Vanilla Extract is a Haram ingredient. Stop here, do not use the product.
Step Number 2: If the ingredient statement does not indicate the presence of vanilla extract but indicate the presence of vanilla flavor or Natural flavor or Natural and Artificial Flavor, look for kosher symbol, if you find kosher symbol, this indicates that no animal derived ingredients are used in vanilla flavor or Natural & Artificial flavor.
This does not mean the product is Halal. Use of alcohol in vanilla flavor or Natural and Artificial flavor has to be investigated.
Step Number 3: Contact the food manufacturer to find out whether alcohol is used as the carrier or solvent in the vanilla flavor or Natural and Artificial flavor, if not, then consume the product.
If alcohol is used as a solvent, then do not consume the product.
Some Ice Cream manufacturer used rework ice cream products with flavors containing alcohol in an Ice Cream product, which do not have any flavor, or vanilla at all as indicated by the ingredient list. Good Humor Company is using this practice for their Breyer brand of Ice Cream. It is possible others do not use this practice.
Some Islamic Scholars considered a food product Not Halal if it is made with flavor containing alcohol as a solvent. But the others considered it Halal because they said the small or large quantity of the product does not intoxicate a person. Please consult your Sheik or Imam on this topic.
There are six type vinegar is used throughout the world. Distilled White or Grain or Spirit Vinegar: It is produced from the natural fermentation of dilute alcohol to vinegar. The vinegar is filtered and contains Natural mellow aroApple Cider Vinegar: It is produced from unprocessed apple juice and vinegar retains its natural amber color and fruity flavWine Vinegar: Wine vinegar is produced from Burgandy wine and other wines.It retains a ruby color and wine like flavor. It is used in Oil-Vinegar Dressing and gourmet cooking and condimentsCorn (Maize) sugar Vinegar: This type of vinegar is produced from corn sugar. Sugar is first converted to alcohol then alcohol is converted to acetic acid and water. It is also a amber color vinegar.
Vinegar has been known for centuries. It is simply a dilute solution of water and acetic acid that contains coloring and flavoring agents in very small quantities from source of raw material. A typical distilled vinegar contains 95% of water and rest is acetic acid , minor constituents.
It is made by two successive microbial processes,
  • first being an alcoholic fermentation effected by yeasts and the
  • second an oxidation of alcohol by Acetobacter, a genus of aerobic bacteria.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulation states that the unmodified name vinegar apply only to the product derived from apples and that this product contain not less than 4 g of acetic acid in 100 ml of vinegar.
Vinegar also contains small quantities of ash, sugars, phosphoric acid, alcohol, and glycerol.
Vinegar is made by two process;
  1. The packed generator; and
  2. Submerged fermentation system.

Air is used in both process.
Fermentation :
The fermentation of sugar into alcohol (ethanol) and which comprises the first step in manufacturing of vinegar using the yeast Saccharomyces sp, which proceeds as follow:
C6H12O6 -------> 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 (sugar source) (Ethyl Alcohol) (Carbon Dioxide)
The second fermentation step requires the microorganism acetobacter (Bacterium aceti) and oxygen as indicated below:
2C2H5OH + 2O2 ---------> 2CH3COOH + 2H2O (Ethyl Alcohol) (Oxygen) (Acetic Acid) (Water)
Note: Malt vinegar is used extensively in Britain, and wine vinegar in continental Europe.
Distilled white vinegar and cider vinegar is preferred in USA and Canada.
Types of Vinegar:
There are six types of vinegar used throughout the world.
  1. Distilled White or Grain or Spirit Vinegar: It is produced from the natural fermentation of dilute alcohol to vinegar. The vinegar is filtered and contains Natural mellow aroma.
  2. Apple Cider Vinegar: It is produced from unprocessed apple juice and vinegar retains its natural amber color and fruity flavor.
  3. Wine Vinegar: Wine vinegar is produced from Burgandy wine and other wines. It retains a ruby color and wine like flavor. It is used in Oil-Vinegar Dressing and gourmet cooking and condiments.
  4. Corn (Maize) sugar Vinegar: This type of vinegar is produced from corn sugar. Sugar is first converted to alcohol then alcohol is converted to acetic acid and water. It is also amber color vinegar.
  5. Malt Vinegar: Malt vinegar is produced from the fermentation of malt to alcohol and then it is converted to vinegar.
  6. Specialty Vinegar such as Balsamic Vinegar: Balsamic vinegar is produced in Modena Italy from white and sugary Trebbiano grapes with special labor intensive method to special flavor and aroma. There is possibility of left over wine in this vinegar.
Halal Status of vinegar:
There is a different of opinion among Hanafi and Shafi fiqah schools regarding vinegar.
There is also different of opinion among Islamic Scholars regarding wine vinegar. Since there is possibility of wine being not 100% converted to acetic acid and water. There is left over wine in the wine vinegar, we consider wine vinegar not a Halal vinegar. We recommend distilled white vinegar because it is made from dilute alcohol.
Please consult your sheik or Imam on this topic.
Milk from buffalo, camel, cow and goat is Halal by itself however milk in the US and Canada from cows and goats must be fortified with vitamins A and D by law. California is the only state where milk can be sold without vitamin fortification. In 1994, the Muslim Consumer Group brought the following facts about vitamins fortification of milk.

a. What are the source of Vitamins A and D:Vitamin A for milk fortification is produced commercially by reacting calcium carbonate with water and then esterified with palmitic acid (source can be from a plant or an animal or a synthetic).
Vitamin D3 is produced from sheep's wool lanolin (Halal).

 b. Presence of an emulsifier in Vitamin Mixes: 
A fat based emulsifier Polysorbate 80 is added to the vitamin mix for milk fortification s as a processing aid ingredient to help vitamins to be mix and distributed evenly with milk so that it is satisfy the law requirement of a specific amount of vitamins per quart of milk. This emulsifier is not mentioned on the ingredient declaration on the milk containers because it is considered a processing aid. This emulsifier should not be from pork fat. It has to be from plant fat such as soy bean.

c. This vitamins mixture must be certified as Halal or kosher because there is no FDA regulations about the source of vitamins and the emulsifier for vitamin mix. If a manufacturer wishes to use an emulsifier and vitamins from pork source, there is no law to prevent it.

d. Now almost every dairy in USA is using Kosher certified vitamin mix, so the milk in USA and Canada is Halal.

e. Composition of Vitamin mix for milk fortification: 
Vitamin mix for milk fortification is made of Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Water, Polysorbate 80 (an emulsifier), Propylene Glycol (to prevent freezing) and Sodium Benzoate as preservative. These ingredients other than Vitamin A and Vitamin D3 will not appear on the ingredients list of milk on its bottle because they considered as processing aid ingredients.

Tastemaker, Bungi Foods, Vitamins Inc., Danisco-Grindsted are the major suppliers for the vitamin mix (BASF and Roche vitamins are main suppliers of vitamin A & D) to the milk industry. These companies have kosher certified vitamin mixes. The vitamin mixes from above companies are consider Halal.
Vanilla is the most world prized flavor. It is obtained from the beans of a tropical vine of genus vanilla. The beans at harvest do not have the characteristic vanilla fragrance but requires curing processes to obtain the vanilla fragrance.
All curing methods involve four basic phases:
  1. Wilting or killing of the beans that stops the natural respiratory metabolism and vegetative life of the pod.
  2. Sweating the wilted beans which involves a fairly rapid dehydration and slow fermentation. The characteristic flavor compounds develops here during which sugars, phenols, vanillin compound are developed by enzymatic and non-enzymatic reaction.
  3.  Drying of sweated beans at very slowly at a lower temperature to 20-25% moisture.
  4. Conditioning of the dried beans in closed boxes for a few months where they finish the development of their characteristic fragrance.
Vanilla Standards: Vanilla extract is the only flavoring material with a US FDA standard of identity. It is included in the code of Federal Regulation (21CFR-169).
Vanilla Extraction and Ice Cream Standard: Vanilla standards was developed and promulgated concurrent and in close relation with Ice Cream Standard(21-CFR-135.110).
The labeling of Ice Cream is dependent on the type of flavoring used.
·         Category I (21CFR-135):
Vanilla Ice Cream contains only pure vanilla components and no artificial flavors.
·         Category II (21CFR-135):
Vanilla ice cream can be flavored with up to one ounce of synthetic vanillin per unit of vanilla extract. This is a natural and artificial product and labeled vanilla flavored Ice cream.
·         Category III (21CFR-135):
Ice cream contains predominantly or exclusively an artificial vanilla flavoring that includes primary synthetic vanillin. This product must be labeled Artificially flavored or Artificial vanilla.
  1. Vanilla Beans: Vanilla beans are identified as the properly cured and dried fruit-pods of Vanilla planifolia in vanilla standard 21-CFR-169.3. Vanilla Extracts and Vanilla Powders: The reminder of the standard is involved with describing in general terms how the extract is made and what other ingredients can be used. It also defines other products related to pure vanilla extract (what constitutes them and how they can be labeled).
  2. Vanilla extract (extracted with alcohol).
  3. Vanilla flavoring (extracted with alcohol)
  4. Concentrated vanilla flavoring (extracted with alcohol)
  5. Vanilla powder (no alcohol is used)
  6. Vanilla-Vanillin extract (extracted with alcohol)
  7. Vanilla-Vanillin flavoring (extracted with alcohol)
  8. Vanilla-Vanillin powder (Vanillin may be obtained with or without alcohol)
The more significant statement in the standard, which should be noted, require that the finished extract have no less than 35% ethyl alcohol and contains no less than one unit of vanilla bean per gallon. There is no animal derived ingredients are used in the above products.
  1. New Methods of Extractions: Modern methods of extraction are used such as supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and reverse osmosis for concentration. These methods produce useful products for industrial flavoring but they either fail to fit the regulatory requirements (alcohol extraction) for standard products, but they are expensive. These specialized products differ in solubility, flavor profile, and appearance but add to the list of natural vanilla flavoring available to food and beverages manufacturers.
  2. Vanilla beans: Pure Vanilla beans (21CFR-169.3) are available for both food manufacturers for processed foods and common consumers for home bake products (McCormik brand of pure vanilla beans are available in supermarkets).
  3. Vanilla Flavor: A vanilla flavor may be in fact being non-alcoholic but it has to be outside of standard of identity.
  4. Vanilla Powder: This is a standard vanilla product (21CFR-169.179). Vanilla powder is a mixture of ground vanilla beans or vanilla oleoresin or both with one or more of the following optional blending ingredients (a) Sugars, (b) dextrose, (c) Lactose, (d) Food Starch, (e) dried corn syrup, (f) Gum acacia. Vanilla sugar is different from vanilla powder with sugar. Vanilla Sugar is made with sugar and vanilla extract and considered as Haram ingredient because of alcohol.
  5. Vanilla-Vanillin Powder: This is the same, as vanilla powder but contains not more than one ounce of added vanillin. This is also a standard product (21CFR-169.182). But this product is Halal only if added vanillin is obtained from vanilla bean without alcohol.
Vanillin (4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde) a pleasant smelling aromatic compound occurs naturally in vanilla bean and also obtained from as by-product of pulp and paper industry by the oxidative break down of lignin. It may also be prepared by synthesis.
(vanilla bean flavor component)
C8H8O3 Molecular weight: 152.16
Artificial or synthetic vanillin does not contain alcohol and it is also Halal or Kosher certified. It is a Halal ingredient.
Artificial or synthetic vanillin is made with all Halal ingredients and Halal process without alcohol. Lignin which used to make the artificial vanillin is plant products which is Halal by nature. Only methane is used as a solvent which is a Halal solvent.
There are three steps, a Muslim can used to identify the Halal Vanilla and artificial vanillin in a food product.
Step Number 1: Read the ingredients list on the food package. If you find a vanilla extract under the ingredients statement, this means the vanilla is extracted with alcohol and alcohol containing vanilla extract is added to the products. Vanilla Extract is a Haram ingredient. Stop here, do not use the product.
Step Number 2: If the ingredient statement does not indicate the presence of vanilla extract but indicate the presence of vanilla flavor or Natural flavor or Natural and Artificial Flavor, look for kosher symbol, if you find kosher symbol, this indicates that no animal derived ingredients are used in vanilla flavor or Natural & Artificial flavor.
This does not mean the product is Halal. Use of alcohol in vanilla flavor or Natural and Artificial flavor has to be investigated.
Step Number 3: Contact the food manufacturer to find out whether alcohol is used as the carrier or solvent in the vanilla flavor or Natural and Artificial flavor, if not, then consume the product.
If alcohol is used as a solvent, then do not consume the product.
Some Ice Cream manufacturer used rework ice cream products with flavors containing alcohol in an Ice Cream product, which do not have any flavor, or vanilla at all as indicated by the ingredient list. Good Humor Company is using this practice for their Breyer brand of Ice Cream. It is possible others do not use this practice.
Some Islamic Scholars considered a food product Not Halal if it is made with flavor containing alcohol as a solvent. But the others considered it Halal because they said the small or large quantity of the product does not intoxicate a person. Please consult your Sheik or Imam on this topic.

Complex Ingredients

  • Mono & Diglycerides are fat based emulsifier and are made by reacting glycerol (fat based) with fats and oils. Monoglycerides can be made from beef or pork or soybean fat. Only soybean and zabiha slaughtered cow fat based Mono & Diglyceries are Halal. A Halal or Kosher symbol (which meet the Islamic dietary requirements) on a food package containing Mono & Diglycerides indicates that it is obtained from soybean fat.
  • Whey:Muslims think that whey is milk based ingredient, it has to be Halal but answer is NO. There are two kinds of whey, one is sweet or rennet whey and other is acid whey. Acid whey is obtained during the making of acid type of cheese such as cottage cheese. Sweet or rennet whey is used more in food products then acid whey. Sweet whey or rennet whey is a by-product of rennet cheese such as cheddar cheese. Whey is portion of milk remaining after coagulation and removal of curd. Whey is Halal only if the Halal starter culture bacteria, Halal medium on which starter culture grown (Starter culture bacteria are Halal if they obtained from milk source not meat source and media on which these starter culture bacteria grown has to be made from Halal ingredients such milk), microbial rennet, microbial lipase enzyme, Halal color, Halal flavor has added to milk. These requirements can only obtained if the cheese and whey are Halal or Kosher certified (which meet the Islamic dietary requirements). A Halal or Kosher symbol (which meet the Islamic dietary requirements) on a food package containing whey indicates that it is manufactured under Halal or Kosher supervision.
  • FD&C yellow No. 5 or FD&C red No. 40are chemical dyes and they are Halal if use as pure granular or powder form but if they use in liquid form then the solvent has to be Halal because vegetable oil or glycerin (from pork or beef or vegetable fat) can be used as a solvent to dissolve mix these colors in liquid products. A Halal or Kosher symbol (which meet the Islamic dietary requirements) on a food package containing these colors indicates that no pork or beef fat glycerin was used as a solvent.
  • L-Cysteine: A non essential amino acid is used as dough conditioner in bagels, pizza, bread, hard rolls. L-Cysteine is manufactured from human hair (Haram source), non zabiha or dead chicken/duck feathers and from petroleum source. MCG considered it Halal if it is made from petroleum source.
  • Chocolate Liquor is manufactured from grinding the cocoa nibs from cocoa bean. It is a Halal ingredient and do not contain any liquor or alcohol.
  • Vanilla Extractissued as a flavor and it is made from vanilla bean extract. It contains minimum of 35% ethyl alcohol (Haram) otherwise it will not call as vanilla extract according FDA regulation.
    If the yeast extract or autolyzed yeast is made from baker’s yeast then it is a Halal ingredient. But if it is made from brewer’s yeast as a by-product of beer making then it is not considered Halal because beer can penetrate in the yeast cells and never convert to any other things.
  • Vinegar: Distilled white vinegar, apple cider vinegar, malt vinegar, corn (Maize) sugar vinegar are considered Halal. Wine Vinegar and Balsamic vinegar are not considered Halal because of left over of wine (alcohol) in wine.
  • Processing Aid Ingredients or Hidden ingredients in food products and food ingredients:
    FDA will allow up to 2% of processing aid ingredients or hidden ingredients in a food product or in a food ingredient without reporting in the ingredients statement. Only Halal or kosher certified food products which meet the Islamic dietary requirements protect Muslim consumers from Haram processing aid ingredients or hidden ingredients. Examples of Hidden ingredients are use of pork gelatin in apple juice processing, gelatin in Beta carotene, Polysorbate 80 (a fat based emulsifier) in vitamins mix for milk fortification.
  • Soy Sauce:Naturally brewed soy sauce is not a Halal soy sauce because it is just made like wine containing 2-3% ethyl alcohol in it. Soy, wheat and water are main ingredients of naturally brewed soy sauce. All purpose soy sauce or non brewed soy sauce is a Halal soy sauce made from water, salt, hydrolyzed soy protein, corn syrup and sodium benzoate.
  • Nucleotides in infant formula: Nucleotides are made from yeast cells including torula yeast and brewer yeast. One of the larger manufacturers of nucleotides is using a specific strain of torula yeast and growing on alcoholic beverages such as beer and wine to manufacture the Nucleotide.  But the residual of amount of alcohol in nucleotide is very minimum such as 200 part per millions (PPM). Nucleotides are now adding to infant formulas such as in Similac and Enfamil brands. Islamic dietary laws considered alcoholic beverages are Haram. Nucleotide is considered as Mushbooh ingredient by MCG.
  • The Natural or artificial Flavor: consists of two things one is flavoring material and second is solvent which could be alcohol (haram) or water or propylen glycol (halal) or vegetable oil. The flavoring material in natural flavors is any thing comes from natural such vegetable source or animal source while flavoring material in artificial flavor is from chemicals or synthetic material.
If a food product has a Halal or kosher symbol on its package, then Natural flavors or artificial flavor's flavoring material comes from Halal sources, if they do not have Halal or kosher symbol then the flavoring material may comes from any source animal or vegetable.
Q:    Is powdered flavor and Custard powder Halal?
Ans: Powdered Flavor and custard powder are Halal only if they are made with Halal ingredients and carriers
Q:    Is Caramel powder Halal?
Ans: Caramel powder is Halal.
Q:     Is Naturally produced Soya Sauce Halal?
Ans: Naturally Brewed Soy sauce is NOT Halal.
Q:    Is Tang Halal?
Ans: Dry Tang powder is Halal if no alcohol is used in flavor but the liquid Tang is not Halal because it is not under certification.

E-Numbers Briefing

E- means EC (European communities) and E-Numbers are assigned to various food additives. Some E-Numbers are banned in some countries. In UK Numbers without E prefix are allowed but may not be allowed in other country. We are getting lot of e-mails from our Muslims brother and sisters inquiring about HALAL status of E-Numbers, so we decided to add to our web site. E-Numbers are divided into following category:

Food AdditivesE-Numbers 
Flavor Enhancer

Halal Status: The Halal status was given to the ingredients which are obtained from 100% Halal raw materials without use of alcohol. These are plant and chemical based material. 
HaramThose are obtained from animal source or use of alcohol. All non-zabiha Halal animal by-products were considered as Haram because Allah's name was not announced at the time of slaughtering the animal. Off course pork by product was considered 100% Haram.  Some Muslims may differ with us about not accepting the meat slaughtered by people of the book as not Halal meat. 
MushboohMushbooh status was given to those E-Numbers where source of raw material was not known, it could be from plant source or animal source and also lack of information of use of alcohol with based ingredients. 
Hidden ingredients: We have no knowledge of different food laws in different countries regarding hidden processing aid ingredients which may be Haram. 
The following ingredients are considered as Haram: 

E 120: Cochineal (red color from insects) according to Ulema from UK and South Africa 
E 132: Indigo Carmine/Idigotine (Color)
E 441: Gelatin 
E 542: Edible Bone Phosphate 
We have carefully checked these ingredients based on our knowledge of US food industry but we are not familiar with different food laws in different European countries.

E-Numbers Listing


(Article)The Mode of Prayer (Salaat) for Women

The Mode of Prayer (Salaat) for Women

Prayer to be offered by women differs from that of men only in the practical manner of its offering and not in the spiritual sense. The Prayer times, the supplications, the number of prostrations, bows, etc., do not differ. The difference in the physical aspects of Prayer arise from the fact that women’s physique differs from that of men, and follow from the commands which Allah (The Supreme) has stipulated for them in the Holy Quran and through the Hadith of the Holy Prophet .
Most differences relate to clothing, concealment of body, posture and concealment of voice.  Prior to listing the differences in women’s mode of Prayer, we provide references from the Holy Quran and Hadith which are the PROOFS of, and form the main bases of these differences:

A. From The Holy Quran – Regarding Concealment Of The Body

1. [Surah Noor Verse 31] And command the Muslim women to keep their gaze low and to protect their chastity, and not to reveal their adornment except what is apparent, and to keep the cover wrapped over their bosoms; and not to reveal their adornment except to their own husbands or fathers or husbands’ fathers, or their sons or their husbands’ sons, or their brothers or their brothers’ sons or sisters’ sons, or women of their religion, or the bondwomen they possess, or male servants provided they do not have manliness, or such children who do not know of women’s nakedness, and not to stamp their feet on the ground in order that their hidden adornment be known; and O Muslims, all of you turn in repentance together towards Allah, in the hope of attaining success.
2. [Surah Ahzab Verse 59] O Prophet! Command your wives and your daughters and the women of the Muslims to cover their faces with a part of their cloaks; this is closer to their being recognised and not being harassed; and Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.

B. From The Holy Quran – Regarding Concealment Of Voice

3. [Surah Ahzab Verses 32 - 33] O the wives of the Prophet! You are not like any other women - if you really fear Allah, then do not speak softly lest the one in whose heart is a disease have any inclination, and speak fairly. And remain in your houses and do not unveil yourselves like the unveiling prevalent in the times of ignorance, and keep the prayer established, and pay the charity, and obey Allah and His Noble Messenger; Allah only wills to remove all impurity from you, O the People of the Household, and by cleansing you make you utterly pure.

C. From The Hadith – Regarding
Difference In Prayer Positions

4. Abdullah ibn Umar (may Allah be well pleased with him) narrates that the Holy Prophet  said, 'When a woman sits in Sajdah by putting one thigh upon the other (i.e. close to one another) and at the time of Sajdah (prostration) her stomach touches her thighs and she also takes full consideration of Hijaab, then Allah Taãla looks at her and says to the angels, 'Bear witness that I have forgiven her.' (Baihaqi, Kanzul Ummaal)
5. Once the Holy Prophet  saw two women offering Prayer and he said, 'When you (women) make Sajdah (prostrate) then let the limbs of your body touch one another and make them touch the ground.' Surely in this (prostration posture) women are not similar to men.' (Masaail Abu Dawood)
6. Wail ibn Hajar (may Allah be well pleased with him) said that the Holy Prophet taught him to offer Prayer and he said, 'O ibn Hajar! When you begin your Prayer then lift your hands up to your ears and show the women that they should lift up to their chests.' (Tabarrani)
7. Abdullah ibn Umar (may Allah be well pleased with him) was once asked on how women used to offer Prayer during the time of the Holy Prophet . He replied, 'First they used to read Prayer cross-legged, then they were commanded to cling to themselves,' (Jaami al-Masanid).

D. From Hadith – Regarding Concealment Of Voice During Prayer

8. Narrated Abu Huraira (May Allah be well pleased with him), The Holy Prophet  once said: "The saying 'Sub Han Allah' is for men and clapping is for women." (If something happens in the prayer, the men can invite the attention of the Imam by saying "Sub Han Allah". And women, by clapping their hands). (Bukhari)


1.        Concealing the body (Satr-e-Aurat) – that is to conceal/cover the necessary parts of the body. For men, this consists of the body between the navel up to and including the knees. For women this consists of the entire body, except the face, hands and soles of the feet. Women must hide their faces from strangers whilst not in Prayers. Wearing clothes that are so thin that body colour is exposed will make the Prayer void. Similar is the case of the head scarf if the shine of hair is revealed. In fact, wearing such clothes is prohibited even outside Prayer. Before beginning Prayer the woman should make sure that (other than her face, palms and the soles of her feet) her entire body is properly covered with opaque clothes. If she offers Prayer in thin clothes which reveal the colour of the skin or the shine of her hair, it will render the Prayer void. It is obligatory to also hide the neck, ears, hair-locks hanging from the head, and the wrists.
2.        If any part of the body (other than her face, palms and the soles of her feet) is exposed up to one fourth of its area, and she proclaims the “Takbeer Tahreemah” (“Allahu Akbar”) without hiding it, then the Prayer will be deemed to have not started at all. If one fourth or more of it gets exposed during the Prayer for a time in which "Subhaan-Allah" can be recited thrice, it will render the Prayer void.
3.        While saying “Takbeer Tahreemah” (Allahu Akbar) a woman should raise her hands only up to her shoulders (and not up to the ears) and should not take them out of her cloak.
4.        In the Qiyaam (standing position), she should place her left palm on the middle of her chest and the right palm over the left.
5.        While bowing, she should only bow a little, enough for her hands to touch her knees, without holding them. The fingers should be kept straight. She should stand with her knees slightly bent, and her arms close to her body.
6.        She should perform the prostration with her body drawn together i.e. she should keep the abdomen joined with the thighs, the thighs with the calves, the shins with the ground, the arms to the sides and the wrists spread on the ground. Further, instead of keeping the feet upright, both feet should be spread out towards the right.
7.        While in Qaadah (sitting position), instead of keeping the right foot upright, both feet should be slid out towards the right, with her sitting on the left foot.
8.        For women, praying in a room is better than praying out in the courtyard, and praying in a basement is better than praying in a room. (Abu Dawood).


1.       Women are exempted from offering Prayer whilst in state of impurity (due to menses or childbirth).
2.       Women should take extra care during "Wuzu and Tayammum" by moving ornaments (such as rings) in order not to leave the area below them - whereas nail polish should be totally removed.
3.       If several persons are praying in the same room, women should pray behind the men. They should not stand in line with the men.
4.       Women should offer their five daily Prayers, Taraweeh and Witr individually. It isMakrooh Tahreemi for them to offer Prayer with congregation. (Shaami Vol.1). A woman cannot be a leader (Imam) in any congregational Prayer.

Charity in Islam

Charity In Islam

Giving money to the poor is an emblem of Islam and a sunna of the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace). He was never asked for anything, except that he gave it, and he would give without fearing poverty. People said that he was more generous than the “sent wind” that brings the rain clouds.
Every wealthy adult Muslim must give 2.5% of his or her wealth in charity every year. Allah says: "O you who believe! Spend out of what We have given you" (2:254). This is the least charity a Muslim must give every year.
To benefit from the charity you give it is important to keep certain things in mind that will lead to good in this world the next.

Giving in secret

Allah says, "If you give charity openly then what a good thing it is; and if you give to beggars hidingly it is better for you than every thing, and He will remove some of your sins. And Allah is Aware of what you do." (Qur'an 2:271).
For a Muslim, charity is given to stave off miserliness and to draw nearer to Allah, if instead the donor seeks fame, then the act of charity becomes worthless.
Giving in secret is often better for the donor since it protects against insincerity, and it is better for the recipient as it maintains his dignity.

Giving openly

Sometimes it is better to give charity publicly, so that others will also do the same. However, you must be on guard against any hypocritical notions.

Another danger of this is offending the dignity of the poor person. It may be hurtful to him to be seen to be needy.

Scholars say that if someone is asking for charity publicly, there is no need to worry about offending him by also giving publicly.

Avoid taunting and hurting

Any good you have earned by giving in charity can be wiped away by taunting and hurting the recipient.

Allah said, "O believers! Void not your charities by boasting of your favours conferred and injuring, like him who spent his wealth for showing to people and believes not in Allah and Last Day. Then the example of him is like that of a smooth rock on which is dust of earth; now a heavy rain fell upon it leaving it a bare stone. They shall have no control on anything of what they have earned and Allah guides not the infidels."
(2: 264)

Taunting is to remind a person of a favour you did to them, while hurting them is making it known to others.

Some scholars say that taunting means to take advantage of a person you donated money to, and hurting them is to make them feel ashamed of their poverty.

Another view is that taunting is to make your charity an excuse for behaving arrogantly.

The cure for this is to remember that giving charity is to give what is due to Allah, as He has made it obligatory to give zakat.

Being humble

It is important to think little of your donation in order to avoid pride which will make your good deed worthless.

Zakat is only a small percentage of your wealth, and to give only this is to be content with giving the bare minimum.

Even if you give more in addition to your zakat, it would be better to look instead at the amount of wealth you are withholding, rather than at what you are giving with pride.

Give of what is good

Charity should be taken from the best of your wealth, and from what is dearest to you. Giving in charity is like giving to Allah Most High, and so only give Him what is good.

Allah says: "
O believers! Give something of your pure earnings and of what We produce from the earth for you; and intend not to give especially vile of it, whereas if you get of it, you will not accept unless you close your eyes in it. And know that Allah is free of all wants, Praiseworthy." (Quran 2:267).

If the money you donate has been acquired dishonestly, it cannot be considered a good deed.

Ongoing charity (Sadaqa Jariya)

The best charity is that which continuously benefits people, such as helping to build a school, a clinic, or a water supply system, or helping a poor person start up his own business.

The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: “When a person dies, his works end, except for three: ongoing charity, knowledge that is benefited from, and a righteous child who prays for him.” [Muslim, Tirmidhi]

This means that any good you do that benefits people even after you die will count for you.
The charity of the Companions
The Companions were also known for their immense generosity. According to some exegetes of the Qur'an, Ali ibn Abi Talib and his wife, Fatima al-Zahra fasted for three days and each day they gave all the food they had in charity.
Allah revealed a verse of Qur'an about them "And they feed, for love of Him, the poor. The orphan and the prisoner." (Qur'an 76:8)
Other Companions, like Ka'b ibn Malik and Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas would have given all their wealth in charity, except that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) told them to keep a portion for themselves and families [Bukhari, Muslim]

The allure of hoarding up wealth

Man is attracted to wealth and is always in danger of becoming a miser. Allah says: "
Adorned for men is the love of these lusts, women and children and the stored up heaps of gold and silver and branded horses and cattle and crops. This is the capital of living world; and it is Allah with Whom there is an excellent destination" (3:14).

There is nothing wrong in being wealthy but it is important to avoid being greedy and miserly. The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: "No doubt this wealth is sweet and green. Blessed is the wealth of a Muslim, from which he gives to the poor, the orphans, and needy travellers [Bukhari, Muslim].
He also said: "This worldly wealth is [like] green and sweet [fruit], and whoever takes it without greed, Allah will bless it for him, but whoever takes it with greed, Allah will not bless it for him, and he will be like the one who eats but is never satisfied" [Bukhari, Muslim].

Essay on Society: The Meaning and Nature of Society

Here is your essay on society, it’s meaning and nature!
In common parlance, the word ‘society’ is used in several of meaning, for example, a group of women is called a women society. The word is also used for some specific institutions like Brahmo Samaj (society) or Arya Samaj.
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Society is neither an agglomeration of men, women and children nor their coming together to achieve an object with an eye on their eventual disagreement. In sociology, the term society refers not to a group of people but to the complex pattern of the norms of interaction that arise among them.
It is according to Maclver and Page, “a system of usage and procedures, authority and mutual aid, of many groupings and divisions, of controls of human behaviour and of liberties. Society involves the whole gamut of relations. It is structural and functional arrangement. From structural point of view it concerns role, status, norms, values, institutions.
Functionally, society may be defined as a complex of groups in reciprocal relationships interacting upon one another, enabling each person to achieve the fulfillment of life. Further society may be viewed dynamically. Society may be viewed as the process of stimulus response relationship which result in interaction, communication and consensus.
The stimulus-response relationship is at the core of organised living. In order to carry out on their life-activities, men must make successful responses not only to the nature but to fellowmen and to the culture of their group. Social interaction is that dynamic force which modifies the attitudes and behaviour of the participants.
It takes place through communication. In communication one person infers from the behaviour of another the idea or feeling of the other person. He then reacts not to the behaviour as such but to the inferred meaning of it, and the other person likewise reacts to his response.
This give rise to common understanding and common definition of the situation, in short, consensus. Society consists in mutual interaction and inters relation of individuals and of the structure formed by their relations. Therefore, society refers not to a group of people but to the complex pattern of norms of interaction that arise among them. Society is process rather than a thing, motion rather than structure. The important aspect of society is the system of relationships by which the members of the society maintain themselves.
According to Ginsberg, “A society is a collection of individuals united by certain relations or modes of behaviour which mark them off from others, who don not enter into those relations or who differ from them in behaviour”
As Giddings defines, “Society is the union itself, the organisation, the sum of formal relations in which associating individuals are bound together.” This definition of society places the emphasis upon its organisational aspect. In this way, Giddings, like Ginsberg, has accepted society as an organised group, and has professed to a unity in the relation between its members and their modes of behaviour.
Society may be defined as the total complex of human relationships in so far as they grow out of action in terms of means-end relationship, intrinsic or symbolic”, says Parsons. Maclver, Parsons, Cooley have given functional definition of society.
Hence, society is to be interpreted in a wider sense. It is both structural, functional and dynamic organisation.

Nature of Society:

(i) Society is abstract:

Society may be visualised as the behaviour of human beings and the consequent problems of relationships and adjustments that arise. According to Renter, “Society is an abstract term that connotes the complex of interrelations that exist between and among the members of the group. In this way, society exists wherever there are good or bad, proper or improper relationships between human beings. These social relationships are not evident, they do not have any concrete from, hence society is abstract.

(ii) Society is not a group of people:

Some sociologists have viewed society as a group of people. Wright writes, “Though society is real thing, it means in essence a state or condition, a relationship and is therefore necessarily an abstraction”.

(iii) Society is organisation of relationships:

Society is the total complex of human relationships. It includes whole range of human relations.

(iv) Physical element in social relationship:

According to Maclver and Giddings and some other sociologists, social relationships invariably possess a psychical element, which takes the form of awareness of another’s presence, common objective or common interest etc.
There is neither any society nor any social relationship, without this realisation. Society exists only where social beings behave towards one another in a manner determined by recognition of each other. Only those relationships which are so determined are social. Social relationship differ from relations between other objects, only by virtue of this psychic element. They have in them an element of emotion and feeling, urges, sympathy and sentiments.

Poem about Education : The Key To Life


the light of our life

A gift of academic rife


the key to a bright and rewarding future

A glue that joins our dreams like a suture


A path to divine success

A smooth drive to our greatness


gives our thinking a different appearance

And helps drive away all our ignorance


It leads us to the path of prosperity

And gives our tomorrow a sounding security


the process of teaching and learning

Which will help us in our future earning


shaping our true character is the motto

Leading to a successful life it is the major factor


The progressive discovery of our true self

And exploitation of the potentials of oneself


a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army

A life boat that see us through our days of stormy


A torch of academic brilliance

And backbone of inner resilience


the key to unlock the golden door of freedom

And stage our rise to stardom


A life sustaining material

Without it we can’t lead a life which is congenial


not all about bookish knowledge

But it is also about practical knowledge


makes a person stand up on his on toes

And helps a person to fight with all his foes


A fundamental foundation

For any country state or nation 


A thick line between right and wrong

A ladder that takes us to the height where we belong


Mother of all profession

That helps acquires all our possession

Education Is our right

For in it our future is bright. 

Stanley Oguh 

The Role of Information Technology in Education

The Role of Information Technology in Education

The Role of Information Technology in Education is exploring the potential for technology to redefine the terms of teaching and learning. Can the tools of technology, properly used, break through the barriers to educational progress? What inhibits the effective use of technology? What are the perceived and the real limits of these tools? Thirteen grantees are helping to answer these questions.
When The Hitachi Foundation designed this initiative in 1998 we noticed that computers in classrooms, frequently donated by well-intentioned companies, too often sat idle, or if used, amounted to little more than enhanced typewriters. We concluded that making computers available in schools was not sufficient to realizing technology's potential.
This initiative explores factors necessary to help technology reach its potential for learning. From the public school to the university setting, from local communities to nonprofit organizations, these grantees each offer a unique perspective on the role of technology in education.

Early Assumptions

The Foundation issued the Tech Ed Letter of Intent on September 15, 1997 based on these ideas:
1. A vast majority of schools have the equipment. Schools, districts, and states seem to have found money for hardware, but have invested only meagerly, if at all, in training teachers to use the technology.
2. The education sector has no systemic approach to upgrading the skills of its professionals in both pre-collegiate and higher education. If done at all, in-service technology training for teachers has been limited in number served and scope, traditional in its delivery (typically one-time sessions), or left primarily to individual teacher initiative. Training typically has not helped teachers understand how to integrate technology into the curriculum.
3. There are pockets of innovation. Individual teachers, students, and communities are delivering specific advances at every educational level. Advances can be grouped into 5 categories:
  • pedagogy: enhanced capacity for tailoring instruction for individual students and monitoring student performance to assess instruction efficacy.
  • constructing local content: through collaboration made possible by technology, students or professors in several locations, drawing on local content can transform classroom practices.
  • professional development: information technology makes possible high-quality professional development at times convenient for the teacher. Technology can overcome school scheduling problems by delivering training during off-hours or as the teacher works with students and colleagues in the classroom.
  • collaboration: teachers and students can collaborate outside the classroom in synchronous (real-time) and asynchronous (delayed response) fora, which brings far more resources, perspectives, and analysis to classroom assignments.
  • economic efficiency: schools and universities are finding ways to use technology creatively to save money or expand productivity.
4. Technology is a tool — a means rather than an end.
5. Using technology effectively in the classroom means transforming the classroom, teaching, and learning. Productive use of technology does not mean using it solely to help slow students catch up, to occupy quick achievers, to reward good behavior, or to baby-sit. Where technology is yielding results, the classrooms are student-centered, with teachers as coaches and guides. Outside resources come to class and students go outside the classroom. Technology allows engagement, review, and especially assessment in broader, deeper ways.

Portfolio Goals

The Foundation Board approved 13 projects for funding in July, 1998. In addition to each project's individual goals, we had these broad goals for the portfolio:
  • Illustrate how technology is being used to make possible new methods, outcomes, and advancements in teaching and learning.
  • Illustrate specifically how information technologies can improve or advance teaching or learning, and for whom.
  • Identify unused or unexplored opportunities to strengthen teaching and learning through the use of information technology.
  • Advance the practice of collaboration.
  • Document and disseminate program models.


California State University Dominguez Hills, Carson, CA
This project is creating interactive Web Site teaching applications for K-12 teachers in the Banning/Carson Cluster (Los Angeles Unified School District). Teachers will be able to tailor self-paced and class-wide instruction, develop and revise the applications, monitor and evaluate their approaches and student performance on specific subjects and problems, provide students with individual problem sets, and collaborate with other teachers.
Catholic University of America, Washington, DC International Virtual Department for Historical Studies of Mathematics
The Catholic University of America, in partnership with the Mathematical Association of America and numerous scholars at universities worldwide (including Oxford, Russian Academy of Sciences, Princeton, and Kyoto), is implementing, evaluating, and disseminating an International Virtual Department for Historical Studies of Mathematics.
The Children's Museum, Boston, MA - Teacher-to-Teacher On-Line @ The Children's Museum
The Children's Museum's Teacher Center is creating Teacher-to-Teacher On-Line @ The Children's Museum, a training and discussion forum for elementary teachers to exchange activities, ideas, and curriculum as the state institutes new curriculum frameworks.
Delaware Education Research and Development Center, University of Delaware, Newark, DE First-State Instructional Resource System for Teachers (FIRST)
This project is establishing, testing, and refining the First-State Instructional Resource System for Teachers. FIRST is an Internet-based professional development system linked to Delaware's state education reform movement. The site will include professional development units that illustrate effective teaching of curriculum concepts, curriculum units linked to state standards, teacher discussion and collaboration forums, teacher comments on curriculum units, related commercial curriculum resources, and assessment techniques.
Eagle Rock Junior/Senior High School, Los Angeles, CA
The Eagle Rock Junior/Senior High School started The Talons 2000 Academy - a four-year, college preparatory program with a focus on business and technology. The Academy, within the walls of ERJ/SHS, is developing a student-led business to build, refurbish, and support computers throughout ERJ/SHS, the LA Unified School District, and the community.
Information and Referral/Volunteer Connection, Coeur d'Alene, ID
Community Science Online uses information technology to teach science by integrating scientific content with local and regional history and discussions of contemporary events in an interactive Multi-Object-Oriented environment.
Leadership, Education, and Athletics in Partnership, New Haven, CT - LEAP Computer Learning Centers
Leadership, Education, and Athletics in Partnership, in conjunction with the Hartford and New Haven Housing Authorities, Yale University, and Connecticut College is creating parent and student outreach programs in LEAP Computer Learning Centers in three CT cities. LEAP is evaluating the impact of the centers' programs on child development and technology skill building and increasing the breadth of technology training for LEAP parents and schools.
New York Institute of Technology, Central Islip, NY - Educational Enterprise Zone
The New York Institute of Technology, in partnership with the Nassau and Dutchess County Board of Cooperative Educational Services and seven museums is creating an Educational Enterprise Zone. Linked by low bandwidth videoconferencing and a host of other technological tools, museums, libraries, teacher centers, and others will beam their knowledge into schools.
Northwest Arctic Borough School District, Kotzebue, AK - The Virtual Village
Northwest Arctic Borough is creating The Virtual Village project to train student technology leaders to be mentors to teachers, students, and staff in order to help teachers incorporate modern technology so students can preserve and spread traditional cultural knowledge. The project addresses challenges and opportunities that include a transient teaching pool, isolated villages accessible only by air, and curriculum material that is not linked to village realities or traditional knowledge and ways.
Scott Lane Elementary School, Santa Clara, CA - 1000 Days to Success in Reading
Scott Lane Elementary School is adding technology as it starts the second year of its 1000 Days to Success in Reading project - a warranty program that guarantees all children who entered kindergarten in September 1997 will be reading at or above grade level by the end of second grade. The project is training teachers to use technology and integrate it into the curriculum, establish a cyber-space library, allow broader interactions among teachers to expand their resources and support services, and engage parents, community volunteers, and the larger school population in the educational process.
Tucson Unified School District, Tucson, AZ - Community Learning Project
The Tucson Unified School District, in collaboration with The University of Arizona, is implementing the Community Learning Project at two elementary schools. The project will coordinate three existing pilot programs to provide a comprehensive, experiential, interdisciplinary education experience for children and their university mentors.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA - Facilitating the Community as a Learning Community
The Facilitating the Community as a Learning Community project expands and improves the Blacksburg Electronic Village community network and its links to K-12 education and community interaction with a new Web-based multi-user domain. The project will develop, implement, and investigate educational activities that involve real-time collaboration with community members and activities that engage citizens on matters of community interest.
World Game Institute, Philadelphia, PA - NetWorld Game Learning Project
The World Game Institute (WGI) and four collaborating museums are supporting the NetWorld Game Learning Project -a comprehensive Internet-based education program for high school teachers and students. The NetWorld Game Learning Project creates an Internet-based simulation of real world situations that complements high school curricula in four U.S. cities.
University of Oklahoma Colleges of Engineering and Education, in partnership with the State Department of Education, Norman, OK
The Colleges of Engineering and Education, in partnership with the Oklahoma State Department of Education, is creating an Internet-based training program to instruct teachers how to incorporate electronic media into their classrooms. Teachers learn how to develop and use graphics, animation, simulation, distance learning, network-based collaboration, online courseware, and streaming video to both amplify their teaching style and immerse students into the constantly changing world of technology.