Wednesday 24 June 2015

Essay On Internet

Essay On Internet

(880 WORDS)
According to the definition provided by oxford dictionary, the internet is an arrangement of connected computers, which lets the computer users all over the globe exchange data. At the present time approximately 2.1 billion (33%) of the total population has accessibility to the internet. The internet is an extraordinary entertainment and learning too that may be utilized in a number of modes to increase the ability of a user to collect information. With the passage of time, the internet has become the most effective business tool in the contemporary world. It is a global meeting place, where people from every corner of the world can come simultaneously. The internet carries a number of advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are so huge that they outperform the disadvantages quite easily.
In the course of human history, there have been many milestones. The wheel, controlling, flight, space travel, telephone, radio, television and the most recent the internet. The internet was the result of some visionary thinking by people in the early 1960s that saw great potential value in allowing computers to share information on research development in scientific and military fields. Instant communication all over the world, via satellite was dream come true for the armed forces. It was far cry from using light flashes or stringing wire across a battle field. J.C.R Licklider of MIT( Massachusetts Institute of Technology) first proposed a global network of computers in 1962 and moved over to the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in late 1962 to lead the work to develop it. Then was developed the theory of packet switching which was to form the basis of internet connections. Lawrence Robert of MIT first connected a Massachusetts computer with a California computer in 1965 over a dial-up telephone lines. The early name of internet was ARPANET. The idea grew and progressed to the Internet we have today nobody knows where it might lead us tomorrow.
Similar to any other invention, the internet carries a number of advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, the advantages of the internet are more than its disadvantages. Talking about the advantages of internet, are as follows:
The biggest benefit offered by the internet is information. It functions as a valuable resource of information. You can find any type of information on any subject with the help of the search engines like yahoo and Google. The primary goal of the internet is communication. It has extremely done well in this field, however the development process is still going on to make it more dependable and quick. By sending an e-mail we can contact a person who is physically present thousands miles away within the fraction of a second’s time. Internet functions as a popular medium of entertainment. A wide variety of entertainment including video games, music, movies, chat room, news and others can be accessed through the internet. Sales have grown rapidly over the internet. E-commerce has become a fantastic option through which we can hop anything. Internet helps of community and forum formation. Here a number of people can participate in different types of debates and discussions express their views and gather valuable knowledge. A variety of services are offered via internet for example job searching, online banking, buying books, hotel reservations and consultation services etc.
Having so much good qualities internet also has many disadvantages. The electronic messages sent over the internet can be easily snooped and tracked, revealing who is talking with whom and what they are talking about. Personal information like name address, credit card, bank details can be accessed by culprits. It has negative effects on family communication. The time spent on net later associates in declining communication with house family and acquaintances. Some psychologists believe that internet is a true psychological disorder with definable symptoms. The symptoms are comparable to any addiction loss of relationships or job and significant time consumption. Children using the internet has become a big concern. Most parents do not realize the dangers involved when their children log onto the internet. When children talk to others online, they do not realize they could actually be talking to a harmful person. Pornography is also a major issue concerning the internet. There are thousands of pornographic sites on the internet that can be easily found and can be easily found and can be a detriment letting children use the internet. Computers are mainly getting viruses from the internet. Virus is software which disrupts the normal functioning of your computer systems.  Due to these viruses computer hard disks also get crashed.
The discovery of the internet is no doubt a blessing. It has brought much development and betterment for the people throughout the world. Due to internet the world has made progress that is beyond imagination. As every invention has advantages and disadvantages so do the internet. Different people with different mind sets live on this world. Some think for the betterment of this world and some create troubles, but internet is just a medium which has quick access to. Now it’s the responsibility of the parents, teacher and well-wishers of this world to educate their children to differentiate between the good and the bad. We must all work for the betterment of this world and make it a better place for ourselves and for our coming generations.

Essay on Mother

Essay on Mother

  • INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                        Words Count ( 1220)
Agatha Christie says“A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity. It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path“.
Mother being the supreme lover, loves her child like nothing. A mother dissipates the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts when we are helpless in the wilderness life with her kind precepts and counsels. From the moment we are born till we are cradled in the chariot of death, we come across many relations. Some are just for time being, some are to betray you, some are to leave you alone when you need their presence the most, some are with you just because of your attributes and some are compelled to stick with you due to blood relation compulsion and restrictions. But, there is one being who surpasses the love, care and affection of anyone related to you and she is ‘The Mother’. The love of a mother has no match nor can one replace her love. A mother’s ageless love and care cannot be exemplified. When you were in her womb; she took every step so gently and carefully not to bother you from your deep sleep. This abysmal depth of a mother’s love is immeasurable. Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said that kindness to one’s parents was of the best deeds and disobedience to them was amongst the major sins. Allah has exemplified His love for the humanity by descending mother as an example.
There are many precious things that Allah has bestowed on us however a mother is one of the unique gifts of Allah. She is the embodiment of sacrifice and love. Life without mother is so dull and colorless. The beauty of life is in the lap and under the shade of mother’s love and care. Those who are bestowed with this gift don’t quit feel it but those who are deprived of this gift feel it from the core of their hearts. Says Abraham Lincoln “All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother.”
A mother turns a house into a home and home is the initial school of a child. Mother is our best teacher and trainer. She never gives up training us to speak “Am’ma (Mamma)”. She walks by knees to help us in our first steps. She teaches us the behaviors lessons. She never gives up on us. Mother teaches us the philosophies of life. Mother is the instinctive philosopher whose philosophies help us in every walk of our life. She teaches us how to love, cherish, and respect who we are, and what it takes for us to become the adults we will one day be.
When a female becomes a mother, her heart gets filled with immense amount of love for her child. She carries her child for 9 months in her womb, bears all the pain and trouble in that process and when her child comes into her arms, she forgets all the pain and loves her child unconditionally. Before Islam, mother was not given any rights and respect but was only treated as a female who could be loved but not at the expense of self. But Islam gave the mother all the respect, love and status in the society she ever deserved. Kind treatment of one’s mother is the best deed for strengthening or rectifying one’s relation with Allah. Holy Prophet P.B.U.H says, ” Jannat lies under the feet of the mothers.” By this hadith we come to know the greatness and status of a mother in Islam.
                                                                                    Mother Holding Newborn Baby's Hand
A mother holds a great respect in Islam. But in our today’s society few mothers are dealt with those of the housemaids. Order her, make her do work and in return give her nothing not even respect which is of no cost. As she bears too much pain and faces several troubles to fulfill our needs but when she grows old and weak and needs a shoulder, we just throw her away like she meant nothing to us. We tell her that she is now old and has now gone crazy. Not we think of our past? Not we take notice of the sleepless nights she had spent for us? Not we remember her support in every moment while we were young? Not we remember, while we were afraid of our own shadows and she was our only lifeguard? Not we even remember the way she wiped our tears when we used to cry over our broken toys? —-Respecting our mother must be our top priority as we were her top priority while we were young.–Quran Says 17:23 “Say not a word of disrespect (to your mothers).” Allah Almighty strictly orders us not to say harsh and disrespectful words to your mother, for she is your best lover among your relations.
After Allah and His prophets a mother is the most respectful person. It’s a reality that a mother loves her child even more than a father does. Says Aristotle—“Mothers are fonder than fathers of their children because they are more certain they are their own.”  Mother had cared and will always care for us as ever more than anyone related to us. We must never let her down. When we are born we are so helpless and dependent, and she is our only help in that stage. She shrills her voice and talks in a funny loving manner just to bring a smile on our face. While we are asleep in our comfortable warm cradle she sits aside, looks at us and curses herself a thousand times for us. She is ready to bear any pain but never wants a scratch onto us. She never feels boredom in our company. She is the supreme lover on this earth no one can surpasses her boundaries of love. How deep is her love!
We must never let her down. We must always try our utmost to be the reason for her smile, not the reason for her sorrows and sadness. Muhammad P.B.U.H has ordered us to be good to our mothers. He has told us about the great rewards for that person who is good to his mother and punishments for those who are disobedient to their mothers. We must look after our parents even more when they are weak and old. We must be gentle to our parents and speak to them in a nice and polite manner.
To me, my mother is my security blanket. No matter how bad of a day she had, she will always be there with a shoulder to cry on and a sympathetic ear for me. Even if she’s been screamed at all day, she will still be eager to hear my drama-filled gossips. My mom is my personal miracle. Whenever something becomes too much for me, she is there calming me down with just a hug and a kiss on my forehead. She is always there to company me.
                      My lord mercy upon my parents the way they had mercy upon me when I was young.

Essay On Unemployment

Essay On Unemployment

                                                                                                                                                                                       ( 875 Words ) 
  • INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                     
Unemployment or joblessness as defined by ILO “ International Labour Organization”, occurs when people are without jobs and they have actively sought work within the past four weeks. Unemployment has become a leading world problem after the economic slowdown affected almost the entire world. Pakistan is a now going through its 64th year of independence but still the public is listening to the lame promises of the politicians, as the people of Pakistan are still suffering from a major population of poor, ignorant and unemployed residents. The problem of unemployment is becoming day by day more acute. In Asian countries unemployment is at its highest peak.
In the traditional societies, salaried jobs did not exist as money was not in use. These cultures lived off the land directly and the land belonged to the tribe or no one. Everyone knew how to build shelter and make food. When these cultures invented currency and moved to the cities, they began to depend on money to buy food from a middle man, instead of growing, gathering or hunting the food directly from nature. Dependence on jobs to make money to buy food and shelter was the beginning of unemployment. Since then unemployment has taken the center position in almost every country.
In Pakistan due to gigantic rise in population, individual finances have been disturbed a lot. This is because of rising unemployment. The major causes of unemployment in Pakistan are:
Firstly, joblessness in Pakistan is worsening. Law and order situation, owing to this negative social phenomenon, foreign direct investment is sliding down to bottom. As new jobs are not generating while the job seekers are raising continuously in the country.
Secondly, Agriculture is account for maximum job provision in the country. Agriculture sector is facing severe challenges of water shortage, climate changes and technological backwardness in recent years. About 62% of Pakistan population is living in rural areas, and is directly or indirectly linked with agriculture for their livelihood.
Thirdly, Industry is also a heaven for educated as well as semi-educated labour force in the country. Pakistan industry is short listing its labour because of gradual decrease in demand as well as acute energy shortage. Energy shortfall has cause severe damage to productive capacity.
There is a severe type of competition in the open market. Those who are well competent and active enough stand a great chance of selection up to the standard than expected over. The copy culture has also influenced the educational system. It is backward and deficit and youths are not trained full well to come to the market demands. The ongoing educational system is divided in such a way that it classes between the people in accordance with the college and universities are infested with political parties. All of that creates confusion, rifts and tumbles between the students. The political parties member are found in undesirable criminal activities in educational institution. Therefore students after getting degrees, lag behind and it’s the reason they remain unemployed.
Effects of unemployment are social not just economic. Frequently crime rates rise as people are unable to meet their need through work. Divorce rates often rise because people can not solve their financial problems. The rate of homelessness rises, as do the rates for mental and physical illness. Homes are foreclosed and hopeless that can result from losing one’s income cannot be overstated. We have heard many times that a head of household has murdered his entire family as a result of overwhelming economic pressure. It is all due to financial disaster that pushed them over the edge. Loss of income and the resulting hardships to the individual and his or her family is the most obvious and direct effect of unemployment. In addition the unemployed person also suffers from lose of self respect and dignity in the society.
Education is a key to change and progress, both change and progress go hand in hand, no change no progress. Therefore educational system should be stabilized and changed to prepare the youths according to true values of life and especially to the market demands. All the youths belonging to elites or non elites ought to be prepared in government colleges and universities which will lead the system to reform. Moreover, industrialization should be developed in country that would lead to employment opportunities for the youths by contributing stability to the country.
The problem of unemployment is becoming more and more acute. The only way to diminish the intensity of unemployment is to encourage the youth towards the welfare of the county. The education system must be reformed up to the level of an underdeveloped country. Agriculturists must be encouraged by the government. We must have a clean and corruption free government. More and more industries must be built to provide much opportunity to the youth. Pakistan is a poor country in regard of industrialization. Therefore industrialization must be given top priority. Youths activities and energies should be directed in a useful channel for the nation’s prosperity. Unemployment is an alarming tone for the survival of the country. Solution to this problem is a must to wriggle the new generation out of the sense of deprivation

Essay on Role Of Women In Society

Essay on Role Of Women In Society

        OUTLINES:                                                                                                                                  (800 Words)
Brigham Young Says, “You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.”
Women are the inherent part of our society and cannot be neglected due to their less power and authority. They are created as a companion for men and men have to make her walk with them in the course of life. As Pakistan is an Islamic state so Pakistani female’s role and behaviors are defined by Islamic laws and as such are given divine sanction. She plays roles as a mother, a sister, a daughter, a wife. They play their roles with great responsibilities in upbringing of a healthy solid society, but she is in our so called modern world, still living in chains.
The basic unit of society is a woman. As woman makes a family, family makes a home and homes make a society. So we should never think that a society would come into existence without the contribution of women. We all know that without education, no development is possible. Here we have forgotten that the very first and best school of a child is its mother’s lap. A good healthy society doesn’t automatically emerge on its own and stands firm but it needs to be emerged and for its emergence women play a pivotal role. From behavioral to health education women have their hands in. it’s a woman who teaches how to behave, how to speak and how to deal with different classes of people. These all are the basic fundamentals of a good society and women are the main contributors in building up a strong society.
Arabia, the origin of Islam, in pre-Islamic ages was wrapped all over by blanket of evil deeds, wicked thoughts and immorality. Women were the most effected during that time. They were treated like animals. They were only used as sex toys and they were worse than slaves. The new born baby girls were buried alive as they thought girls were a curse for the family and society. But! They didn’t know that Allah’s blessings are upon that home and parents that have daughters. With the advent of Islam, the women got the respect and status in the society that she ever deserved. It the woman who is a mother and Islam has taught us that “paradise lies under the feet of mother”. From this we can judge women’s respect and importance in our life and society.
The western countries have tremendously developed in all fields of life. Their education, their health departments, the departments of information technology are the in the highest rankings. In western countries men and women are working shoulder to shoulder in the same pace and both are contributing and playing their parts equally in the developmental processes. They are given basic education as well as fundamental and higher education without any restrictions from the society. That is why the West is that much developed. As they are educating and encouraging both the sexes equally and discriminating none. Like this there is competition and where there is competition there is invention and invention leads to massive developments.
Pakistan is an Islamic country and exists and functions in the context of its unique set of historical, social, economic and political circumstances. Women within Islamic boundaries can take part in all activities weather they belong to financial, national, international, social or domestic affairs. Women population of our country is greater than that of men population. If such a big portion of population is kept behind then it’s difficult to progress with due speed and we will obviously lag behind the developed countries. Pakistan is an under developed country and most of its population is of the youth. It’s a golden chance for Pakistan to rightly utilize the youth’s energies. Women are more productive than men; if in Pakistan they are given the right platform they will smoothly carry the nation towards development.
The role of Pakistani women in their families revolves around well-established conventions of male supremacy and female sub ordinance. Here the complete responsibility lies on the shoulders of the male to educate and encourage the females to step forward and to play their role in developmental processes. Women are not only for home-making and child-rearing but they must also be given chance to put their hands a little forward in building up of a good solid society. A good solid society is a good harbinger of development.
In order for a society to be a pure society, both men and women should think, dress and behave in ways that allow pure thoughts and actions to dominate the way of life and create a social climate conducive to the achievement of the real goal of life.

Essay On Importance Of Reading.

Essay On Importance Of Reading.

                                                   IMPORTANCE OF READING                (745 Words)
  • Introduction
  • It widens the horizon of thinking
  • It plays a key role in academic success
  • it’s an unending company
  • it brings the best out of someone
  • conclusion
Reading has at all times and in all ages been a great source of knowledge. Today the ability to read is highly valued and very important for social and economic advancement. In today’s world with so much more to know and to learn and also the need for a conscious effort to conquer the divisive forces, the importance of reading has increased. In the olden days if reading was not cultivated or encouraged, there was a substitute for it in the religious sermon and in the oral tradition. In the nineteenth century, Victorian households used to get together for an hour or so in the evenings and listen to books being read aloud, But ,today we not only read, we also want to read more and more and catch up with the events taking place around us.
Reading skills are essential to succeed in society. Those who are good readers tend to exhibit progressive social skills. A person who is widely read is able to mix with others. He is a better conversationalist then those who do not read. He can stand his ground. Reading broadens the vision. It is in a way a substitute for travel. It is not possible to travel as much one would like to and reading can fill in the gap created by the lack of travel. Having confidence in reading only comes from the daily practice of reading. A good reader can interact with others in a far better way because reading has widened his vision and point of view. Thus a widely-read man is a better conversationalist and is able to see the other side point of view.
Educational researchers have found that there is a strong correlation between reading and academic success. A student who is a good reader is more likely to do well in school and pass exams than a student who is a weak reader. Good reader can understand the individual sentences and organizational structure of a piece of writing. They can comprehend ideas, follow arguments and detect implications. Good readers can extract from the writing what is important for the particular task they are employed in and they can do it quickly. Educational researchers have also found a strong correlation between reading and vocabulary knowledge. Students who have a large vocabulary are usually good readers. This is very surprising, since the best way to acquire large vocabulary is to read extensively and if you read extensively you’re likely to be or become a good reader.
Books are no doubt very faithful friend of a reader. They never betray but accompany the reader, either sitting alone or traveling. Those who are habitual of reading feel comforted with books. It soothes and relieves tension and loneliness. Medically it also plays a vital role to eradicate depression and unrest. Books are great assassins of boredom. It just kills the boring time.
We are the dwellers of this speedy advancing world. Everything is moving so fast just like a rocket. To keep the pace, we must also need to do things that benefit us. Reading is no doubt a stupendous habit. It can make a stagnant, barren mind rich and cultivatable. It pours rich thoughts in minds. It brings the best out of someone. Reading also helps one to see the present in relation to the past and the future and thus develops a historical perspective. But, care is needed to ensure that reading doesn’t become a substitute for the real life. The moment one ceases to enjoy the ordinary pleasures and happiness of life and is content to enjoy them vicariously through fictional and historical representation, one loses all the benefits of reading and loses contact with life.
As a result of reading books over a period of time, a learning process is formed. There are a great many benefits to be gained from reading books. It is proven that in this technological society the demands for higher levels of literacy are creating unfavorable consequences for those who fall short. This is even more of reason to get into the habit of reading books, but with the cinema and television taking up a great deal of attention of children, teenagers and even adults, the habit of serious reading is dying out. We must never let it die out.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Unforgettable Incident of Your Life

Unforgettable Incident of Your Life

English Essay on "Unforgettable Incident of Your Life"

It was the prototypical day of Sept. My prove of S. S. C was to be explicit on that day. I had been ready for the day with anxiety and oddity. I got up at six o'clock. I took town and prayed to God to player my success. I was somewhat strange and unsatisfied. My noses was swinging between trust and fright. It was a unusual travel of anxiousness and mean. I was not certain what was slotted for me. My parents had spot outlook of me. At one present i was careful that I would conceding obtaining Rating 'A'. Again, I feared that if I unsuccessful or unsaved separation. It is an habitual emancipationist that there is also an surroundings of vary in every touching, nevertheless dandy one may be as a tested. In stubby, I was in a really neurotic care.
The newspaper-boy had not yet come. The writer of example was travel out. I was getting much and more unsatisfied. At inalterable, the newspaper-boy came shout. I brought stuff from him. My safekeeping were shaking and viscous pounding. With trembling safekeeping i opened the paper. Within a min i pioneer out my Range No. among the Grade A1. I thanked to Omnipotent God for the success which he granted me.
Then i ran to my overprotect and gave her the healthy broadcast. She was overwhelmed with joy. My fuss and sisters got up and rejoiced. The object air of the domiciliation was at one denaturized. Numerous of my relatives brought sweet-boxes for me. All were in jolly and elysian hunour. In the new teachers. They all congratulated me. We passed the entire day cheerfully. Infect, it was the happiest day of my living which I shall recall for umpteen years to arrive.

Mobile Phone A Curse or Blessing

                               Mobile Phone A Curse or Blessing

English Essay on "Mobile Phone A Curse or Blessing"

This is the question the country is asking. Mobile phones are considered by many as an essential part of modern day life, from the businessperson who uses the mobile phone as a vital link with the office, to the teenager who has the phone for recreational use. By using mobile phones are we damaging our long-term health just to stay in contact or worse simply just for a good image?
Mobile or cellular phones have changed dramatically over the past two or three years. The new generation of WAP phones now allow the user to connect to the Internet, send e-mail and even listen to the radio. The e-mail feature, a tremendous advancement in technology, allows businesspeople to contact their office at anytime day or night. Not only can e-mail be used throughout Britain but also messages can be sent globally.( Sending e-mail is not nearly as expensive as the conventional methods of contact, therefore has the potential to reduce costs considerably for the company. The e-mail can be sent anytime, not just within office hours, and time differences between countries are no longer a consideration.
Many mobile phone users claim one of the main advantages of ownership is the ability to contact friends or family in the event of an emergency. Most women who travel alone feel more secure knowing that in an emergency or breakdown they can summon help without leaving the safety of their car therefore, the mobile reduces the chances of being run over or worse raped. By having your mobile phones with you could it be a silent killer?
The reduction in costs associated with owning and using a mobile phone, largely due to the introduction of the new pay and go tariff, means that many more people are now able to afford a mobile phone. The main disadvantage of this is that the networks can become overloaded and make it extremely difficult to connect to the network. The consequences of this could be disastrous, mobile phone owners are lead to believe that they can contact help in the event of an emergency when, in effect the crowed network may make this impossible.
Many parents are increasingly buying mobile phones to stay in contact with their children. In doing so are they endangering their own health and more importantly the health of their children? Many studies have been commissioned to assess the health risks associated with ownership and use of a mobile phone. Mobile phone emits a type of electromagnetic radiation called radio-frequency radiation (RFR). The possible health risks of RFR can be characterised in two ways: thermal and non-thermal. Thermal effects occur when enough RFR, at certain frequencies, is absorbed to be converted to heat, increasing tissue temperature. However non-thermal effects and their health risks are something of an unknown quantity. Though disputed, it's suggested they can occur at lower levels of exposure and involve changes to body cells, possibly leading to anything from memory loss and headaches to tumours and even Alzheimer's. So far reports and investigations have been inconclusive. The long awaited study by Sir William Stewart into mobile phone safety concluded, "The balance of evidence does not suggest mobile phones technologies put the health of the general population at risk."