Saturday 27 June 2015

40 Ahadith on Intercession of Beloved Prophet

40 Ahadith on Intercession of Beloved Prophet

 اسماع الاربعین في شفاعة سید المحبوبینForty Ahadith on the Intercession of the Beloved Prophet
Dear Readers! You already have received my email titled, "The Radiant Quranic Rays on the Intercession of the Best of Creation". In the previous email, I  presented the verses of Quran al-Kareem in support to our belief that the beloved Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam is the Intercessor of the Sinners by the grace of Allah Almighty. AlHamduLILLAH! I have received a very warm and enthusiastic response from my brothers and sisters but unfortunately, the opponents are still not satisfied. Rather, their sheer ignorance leads them to demand for Ahadith which reflect the true meaning of the Quranic verses and their commentaries presented earlier.Well, I am very much amazed!! Are the Ahadith regarding Intercession such that they could be hidden from anyone? Scores of Sahaba, hundreds of Tabi'een and thousands of Muhaddithin have narrated them - all books of Hadith - the Sahihs, the Musnads, the Ma’ajims, the Jawami'es and the Musannafs – are all full of them. I present here a collection of 40 Ahadith, so that the faith of Muslims may be strengthened by them, and the deniers may burn in jealousy – especially those Ahadith which shall refute the unscrupulous, deviant & wicked wrong doers who have in their writings attempted to change the very meaning of intercession and tried to hide their rejection of intercession by changing its definition.

These Ahadith will make clear that our Master is the chosen and appointed one for intercession – he only is the refuge of the sinners, from him only is the succor for the friendless – contrary to what one deviant alleges that “whomever Allah wills, He will decree as an intercessor”.

These Ahadith will give the glad tidings that the intercession of our Beloved Prophet is not just for those who have accidentally sinned and are ashamed and continuously fearful of their deeds – as one wicked wrongdoer has claimed thus “The theft has been proved upon the thief, but he is not a habitual thief and he has not adopted theft as his profession – but rather the theft was committed accidentally due to his own sheer bad luck – so he is repentant and cries day and night (so for such is the intercession)”. No, surely not! I swear by Allah the Supreme Who has appointed the Holy Prophet as the Intercessor of the sinners, that his intercession is for the utterly sinful, wicked and oppressive Muslims like us who are so steeped in sins that even sins are ashamed of them.

Ahadith # 1 & 2

The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said,


خيرت بين الشفاعة وبين أن يدخل نصف أمتى الجنة فاخترت الشفاعة لأنها أعم وأكفى أترونها للمتقين لا ولكنها للمذنبين الخطائين المتلوثين
“Allah gave me the option of choosing between the power of intercession or having half of my Ummah admitted to Paradise without any reckoning. I chose the power of intercession because that is more important and will be more useful. Do you assume that my intercession is for the pious Muslims? No, on the contrary, it is for those sinners who are steeped in sins and have committed grave crimes." [Imam Ahmad in his Musnad from Hadrat Abdullah ibn Umar. Ibn Maja from Hadrat Abu Musa Asha'ari]

Sunan Ibn Maajah, Baab Zikr ash-Shafa'ah. Vol. 1, Page 329
Musnad AHmad bin Hanbal, Vol. 2, Page 75

O Allah - Peace and abundant blessings be upon the Holy Prophet! And all praise is to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

Hadith # 3

The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said,


شفاعتي للهالكين من أمتي
“My intercession is for those among my Ummah who have been destroyed by sins!” [Ibn Adi in Majma Zawaid, from Hadrat Ummul-Momineen Umme Salma]

Al-Kamil li Ibn Adi, Vol. 5, Page 1801
Kanzul Ummal, Hadith 39073, Vol. 14, Page 401
Majma' Zawaid, Vol. 5, Page 44

That is certainly the truth – O my intercessor, may I be sacrificed for you!

Ahadith # 4 to 8

The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners  (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said,


شفاعتي يوم القيامة لأهل الكبائر من أمتي
“My intercession on the day of judgment is for those among my Ummah who have committed major sins.”
[Abu Daud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Hibban, Hakim & Baihaqi from Hadrat Anas bin Maalik. Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ibn Habban & Hakim from Hadrat Jabir bin Abdullah. Tibrani in Majam Kabeer from Hadrat Abdullah ibn Abbas. Khateeb Baghdadi from Hadrat Abdullah ibn Umar Farouk and from Hadrat Ka’ab bin Ajrah]

Sunan Ibn Maja, Vol. 1, Page 329, Hadith 4452
Sunan Abi Dawood, Vol. 2, Page 296, Hadith 4741
Sunan Tirmidhi, Vol. 2, Page 66, Hadith 2623
Mustadrak lil Haakim, Vol. 1, Page 69
Sunan Kubra, Vol. 10, Page 190
Al Mau'jam al Kabeer, Hadith, 11454, Vol. 10, Page 189
Mawarid az Zaman, Hadith, 2596, Page 345
Kanz al Ummal, Hadith 39055, Vol. 14, Page 398

O Allah - Peace and abundant blessings be upon the Holy Prophet! And all praise is to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

Hadith # 9

The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said,


شفاعتي لأهل الذنوب من أمتي
“My intercession is for the sinful among my Ummah.”

On this Abu Darda submitted,

وإن زنى وان سرق
“Even if he is an adulterer or a thief?”

He replied,

نعم وان زنا وان سرق على رغم أنف أبي الدرداء
“Yes – even if he is an adulterer, even if he is a thief – contrary to the wishes of Abu Darda!!”

Tareekh-e-Baghdad, Vol. 1, Page 416

Ahadith # 10 & 11

The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said,


إني لاشفع يوم القيامة لاكثر مما على وجه الارض من حجر وشجر ومدر
“I shall intercede, on the Day of Judgement, for more persons than the total number of trees, stones and pebbles on the face of this earth.” [Tibrani & Baihaqi from Hadrat Buraidah. Tibrani in Majam Awsat from Hadrat Anees al-Ansari]

Musnad Ahmad, Vol. 5, Page 347, Hadith 23645
Al Mau'jam al Ausat, Hadith 5519, Vol. 2 , Page 172
Kanz al-Ummal, Hadith 39062, Vol 14, Page 399

Hadith # 12

The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said,


شفاعتى لمن يشهد أن لا إله إلا الله مخلصا يصدق قلبه لسانه
“My intercession is for every such person who sincerely bore witness that ‘None is worthy of worship except Allah’ – while his heart confirmed what his tongue uttered.” [Bukhari, Muslim, Hakim & Baihaqi from Hadrat Abu Hurairah]

Mustadrak lil Hakim, Vol 1, Page 270
Musnad Ahmad, Vol 4, Page 414
Kanzul Ummal, Hadith 39079/80, Vol 10, Page 378/79
Majma'az Zawaid, Vol 10, Page 379

Hadith # 13

The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said,

أنها أوسع لهم وهي لمن مات لا يشرك بالله شيئا
“Intercession has much more scope for the Ummah, for it is for every such person who dies on faith.” [Ahmed, Tibrani & Bazaaz from Hadrat Mua’az ibn Jabal]

Musnad Ahmad, Vol. 43, Page 55, Hadith 20255
al-Khasais al-Kubra, Vol. 2, Page 335
al-Mau'jam al-Kabeer, Vol. 12. Page 445

Hadith # 14

The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said,

إني آتي جهنم ، فأضرب بابها ، فيفتح لي ، فأدخل ، فأحمد الله محامد ما حمده أحد قبلي مثله ، ولا يحمده أحد بعدي ثم أخرج منها من قال : لا إله إلا الله
“I shall go towards Hell and knock at its door, so it will be opened for me. I will enter it - and praise Allah with such praise that has never been done by anyone before me, nor shall it ever be done by anyone after me – and shall remove from it every such person who has with a sincere heart said ‘None is worthy of worship except Allah’.”

al-Mau'jam al Awsat, Hadith 3857, Vol. 4, Page 503

Hadith # 15

The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said,

يوضع للأنبياء منابر من ذهب يجلسون عليها ، ويبقى منبري لا أجلس عليه ، قائم بين يدي ربي عز وجل منتصبا لأمتي مخافة أن يبعث بي إلى الجنة ، وتبقى أمتي بعدي ، فأقول : يا رب ، أمتي أمتي . فيقول الله عز وجل : يا محمد ، ما تريد أن أصنع بأمتك ؟ فأقول : يا رب اعدل حسابهم ، فيدعى بهم فيحاسبون ، فمنهم من يدخل الجنة برحمة الله ، ومنهم من يدخل الجنة بشفاعتي فما أزال أشفع حتى أعطى صكاكا برجال قد بعث بهم إلى النار ، وحتى إن مالكا خازن النار يقول : يا محمد ما تركت لغضب ربك من أمتك من نقمة
“Pulpits of gold will be arranged for the Prophets and they will sit on them, and my pulpit will remain empty as I will not sit on it – but I shall stand humbly before my Lord fearing that I may be sent into Paradise while my Ummah remains behind me. I shall then pray, “O my Lord! My Ummah! My Ummah!” Allah the Supreme will proclaim, “O Mohammed! What is your wish regarding what I should do with your Ummah?” I shall submit, “O my Lord! Settle their accounts quickly!” So I will continue to intercede until I get letters to get released those who had already been sent to hell – to the extent that Maalik, the custodian of hell, will exclaim, “O Mohammed! You have not left even a bit of the Lord’s wrath among your Ummah!” [Hakim with sound chains and Tibrani & Baihaqi from Hadrat Abdullah ibn Abbas]

Al-Mustadrak lil Hakim, Vol 1, Page 65/66
Al-Mau'jam al Awsat, Hadith 2958, Vol 3, Page 446
Al-Targheeb wa al-Tarheeb, Vol 4, Page 446

Ahadith # 16 to 21

All these 6 Ahadith report that the Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said,

واللفظ لجابر قال قال رسول الله صلى الله تعالٰى عليه وسلم اُعطيت ما لم يعط احد قبلي الٰی قوله صلى الله تعالٰى عليه وسلم واعطيت الشفاعة
“I have been appointed as the Intercessor, and intercession has been bestowed exclusively to me. Other than me, no one else has been given this rank.”[Bukhari, Muslim, Nasai from Hadrat Jabir bin Abdullah. Ahmad, Bukhari in Al-Tareekh, Bazzaar, Tibrani, Baihaqi and Abu Nuaim from Abdullah ibn Abbas. Ahmad and Bazzaar, Darimi, Ibn Shaibah, Abu Yuala, Abu Nuaim & Baihaqi from Abu Zarr. Tibrani in Ma’jam Awsat from Hadrat Saeed Khudri. Tibrani in Ma’jam Kabeer from Saeb ibn Yazeed. Ahmad with sound chains and Ibn Abi Shaibah & Tibrani from Hadrat Moosa Ash’ari. Words are those of Jabir.]

Sahih al Bukhari, Vol 1, Page 48
Sahih Muslim, Vol 1, Page 199
Sunan Nisaee, Vol 1, Page 74
Musnad Ahmad, Vol 1, Page 301
Al-Mau'jam al Kabeer, Vol 11, Page 73
Al Targheeb wal Tahreeb, Vol 4, Page 433
Al-Mau'jam al Awsat, Vol 8, Page 212

Ahadith # 22 & 23

The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said,

ان لكل نبي دعوة قددعا بها في امته واستجيب له۔ وھذااللفظ الانس ولفظ ابی سعید لیس من نبي الا وقد اُعطی دعوة فتعجّلها۔ (ولفظ ابن عباس) لم یبق نبی الا اُعطی سؤله۔ رجعنا الٰی لفظ انس والفاظ الباقین كمثله معنیً قال وانی اختبات دعوتي شفاعة لِاُمتي یوم القٰیمة ۔(زاد موسٰی) جعلتها لمن مات من امتي لایشرك باﷲ شیئا
“Although thousands of prayers of the Prophets are accepted, they are also bestowed with one special prayer from Allah – that they may ask whatever they desire and it will certainly be granted. All the Prophets up to Prophet Eisa have utilised their privileged prayers in this world whereas I have saved it for the hereafter – and that is my Intercession for my Ummah on the day of judgement. My intercession is for all persons of my Ummah who have left this world with faith.” [In the narrations of Hadrat Abdullah ibn Abbas, Hadrat Abu Saeed Khudri and Hadrat Moosa Ash’ari, the same subject as mentioned as in the narrations of Ahmed, Bukhari & Muslim from Hadrat Anas. Bukhari & Muslim from Hadrat Abu Huraira]

Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 2, Page 932
Sahih Muslim, Vol. 1, Page 113
Musnad Ahmad, Vol. 3, Page 307
Musnad Ahmad, Vol. 3, Page 220
Sunan al-Kubra, Vol. 2, Page 433

O Allah – grant us the intercession, by the honour of the Prophet with you! Aameen.

Allahu Akbar!! O the sinners of this Ummah! Do you not see the extreme compassion and mercy of our Master the Holy Prophet upon you? For he was bestowed three such prayers from Allah the Supreme – to seek whatever he wished – and he did not seek anything for himself, but assigned them just for you. He sought two things in this world – these two were also for you – and has reserved one for the hereafter – for your dire need on that day, when except for our compassionate & merciful Master there will be none providing help, none removing your calamities.

Allah the Almighty, has rightly said,

عزيز عليه ما عنتم حريص عليكم بالمومنين رءوف رحيم
“Your falling into hardship aggrieves him, most concerned for your well being, for the Muslims most compassionate, most merciful.” [Surah Tauba 9:128]

By Allah! By oath of the One who has made our Master so merciful upon us, no mother can have so much love and affection for her only son as much as he has for every single person of his Ummah! O Allah – You indeed know our limitations and weaknesses, and You indeed know the lofty rights of his greatness upon us – so O Allah, the Omnipotent, the Supreme Being, the Great! Shower your choicest, abundant, auspicious blessings upon him and his progeny that befit his rights and that suffice his mercy!

Praise be to Allah! And what has the Ummah done in lieu of his mercy? Some raise doubts about his high status, some are sceptical of his power of intercession, some equal his rank to themselves, some get upset when he is glorified – while some allege acts of love to be inventions and some declare acts of respect and honour to be polytheism! May Allah save & protect us!! Aameen.

Hadith # 24

The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said,

“Allah the Supreme granted me three prayers, so I have twice prayed that

اللهم اغفر لامّتي اللهم اغفر لامتي
‘O Allah, forgive my Ummah! O Allah forgive my Ummah!’

واخّرت الثالثة ليوم يرغب الیّ فيه الخلق حتى ابراهيم
And I have reserved the last one for the day when the entire creation will approach me with their needs, even Prophet Ibrahim!” [Sahih Muslim from Hadrat Ubai ibn Ka’ab]

Sahih Muslim, Vol 1, Page 273
Musnad Ahmad, Vol 5, Page 127

Hadith # 25

The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) submitted to his Lord, “You have granted such and such favours to the other Prophets!” So Allah the Supreme proclaimed,

أعطيتك خير من ذلك (الٰى قوله) و خبأت لك شفاعتك ، و لم أخبأها لنبي غيرك
“What I have granted you, is better than all of that – I have preserved Intercession for you and not given this to anyone else but you.”

Al-Shifa bi Tareefi Huqooqil Mustafa, Vol. 1, Page 134

Hadith # 26

The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said,

إذا كان يوم القيامة كنت إمام النبيين وخطيبهم وصاحب شفاعتهم غير فخر
“On the day of judgement, I shall be the Leader of the Prophets, and their orator and the owner of their intercession – and I do not say this with any pride.” [Ibn Abi Shaibah, Tirmizi, Ibn Majah and Hakim – from Hadrat Ubai Ibn Ka’ab]

Sunan Tirmidhi, Vol. 2, Page 201
Sunan Ibn Maajah, Page 330
Al Mustadrak lil Hakim, Vol. 1, Page 71

Ahadith # 27 to 40

The Holy Prophet , the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said,

شفاعتي يوم القيامة حق فمن لم يؤمن بها لم يكن من أهلها
“My intercession on the day of judgement is a reality – so whoever does not believe in it will not deserve it.” [Ibn Manie’ from 14 Sahaba namely Hadrat Anas, Hadrat Jabir, Hadrat Ibn Abbas, Hadrat Ibne Umar, Hadrat Ka'ab, Hadrat Abi Darda, Hadrat Ibn Umar, Hadrat Abu Musa and etc.]

Kanz al-Ummal, Hadith 39059, Vol. 14, Page 399

The unfortunate soul who belies intercession must therefore ponder upon the above mass narrated Hadith - and have pity upon himself by believing in the Intercession of our Master the Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him).

O Allah! Make us worthy of his intercession in this world and in the hereafter. O Allah, the Supreme! Shower your choicest abundant auspicious blessings upon our Master and his progeny and upon all his followers until the day of judgement!

Peace & blessings be upon all the Prophets, and May Allah be well pleased with the Companions. Aameen!!
Copied By #Abdullah Bin Umar

Incredible photographs show the world's beauty spots in full panoramic wonder

Incredible photographs show the world's beauty spots in full panoramic wonder

An English photographer has traveled all over the world - and along the way created stunning panoramic images using a film camera. John Chapple has captured all types of landscapes, including grassy fields in England, major US cities, and sandy beaches in Australia. Chapple, originally from North Devon, first worked as a news and show business photographer before he got into landscape photography, his website says.
Quite the view! Photographer John Chapple captured this shot of the Santa Monica Pier in Santa Monica, California
Escape: Water pours down a grassy California hillside in this image
West Coast adventure: Chapple captured downtown city skyscrapers - as well as miles of the Greater Los Angeles area and mountains in the distance
Dried up: Desert shrubbery is seen as sun touches down on mountains in Mojave, California
Pathway: Chapple spied this structure in Queensland, Australia
Getaway: Birds swim through the waters of Western Australia in this shot
Stormy weather: Clouds perch over grassy areas in Northam Burrows, North Devon
Mystery: Light peers through trees in an Oregon forest
Rocky stop: Waves crash against rocks in Western Australia
Make a break for it: The Cook Islands' Rarotonga is seen covered in trees
Long way out: A pier is seen at Busselton Jetty in Western Australia
Sweet treat: Chapple took this image of Sugarloaf Rock while traveling through Western Australia
Cosmopolitan: No stranger to inclement weather, Seattle's skyscrapers are seen underneath dark skies
Washed ashore: A colorful boat is seen at Crow Point in North Devon, England
Where does it go? A wooden pathway is seen at Braunton Burrows in North Devon, England
Gathering: Chapple, who uses a film camera for landscapes, photographed these massive stones in Brandon, Oregon
Isolation? A wooden house is seen in a snow field in Williston, North Dakota

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Essay On Dengue Fever

Essay On Dengue Fever

                                              ESSAY ON DENGUE FEVER                                   (530 words)
  • Introduction
  • History and prevalence of dengue in different countries
  • Symptoms
  • Causes
  • Treatment
  • Conclusion
Nowadays many people suffer from dengue. Dengue fever is an
infectious disease carried by mosquitoes and caused by any four related dengue
viruses. This disease used to be called break-bone fever because it sometimes
causes severe joint and muscle pain. Dengue fever is a quite dangerous febrile
(Feverish) disease can be found in the tropics and Africa. Dengue fever is
transmitted by Aedes Aegypti mosquito, which also transmits diseases as yellow
Health experts have known about dengue fever from more than
200 years. Dengue or dengue-like epidemics were reported throughout the 19th
and early 20th centuries in America, southern Europe, north Africa,
the eastern Mediterranean, Asia and Australia and various Islands in the Indian
Ocean, the south and central Pacific and the Caribbean. It has steadily
increased in both incidence and distribution over the past 40 years. Annually,
it is estimated that there are 20 million cases of dengue infection, resulting
in around 24,000 deaths. Dengue fever is a flu-like viral disease common
throughout the tropical and sub-tropical regions around the world, mainly in
urban and pre-urban areas. Today, it afflicts (cause physical pain and
suffering) an estimated 50 million to 100 million in the tropics.
The symptoms of dengue
fever are severe headache, pain in the muscles and joints, and rash that can be
described as small red spots. Some patients experience gastritis, diarrhea,
vomiting and abdominal pain. Dengue fever usually starts suddenly with a high
fever, headache, pain behind the eyes, and pain in the muscles and joints. A
rash usually appears 3 to 4 days after the start of the fever. Nausea, vomiting
and loss of appetite are common.
Each type of the dengue virus is re-emerging worldwide,
especially in the western hemisphere. Researches have shown that several
factors are contributing to the resurgence dengue fever such as uncontrolled
urbanization, increased international travel, substandard socio-economic
conditions, and finally global warming. Global warming has shown to be a major
contributor to the spread of dengue fever. Global warming can cause dry spells
in some countries and increased rainfall and humidity in others. The dry spells
reduce small medium bodies of water like springs and ponds to small puddles
that become potential breeding ground for mosquitoes. Likewise increased
rainfall and humidity also leads to collection of water that affords possible
breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
Dengue is spread by the Aedes Aegypti, a domestic, day-biting
mosquito that prefers to bite humans. They breed in clean water. Currently
there is no vaccine available to prevent dengue. Scientists are also trying to
invent a vaccine against dengue fever, but the researches are only at the stage
of experiments yet. The only treatment is rest and intake of plenty of fluids
like water, juices, milk etc.
The researchers therefore conclude that dengue fever should
be considered in the differential diagnosis of fever and rash in the returning
traveler. Dermatologists should be aware of the distinctive exanthema of dengue
fever. Recognition of the dengue fever rash permits a rapid and early
diagnosis, which is critical as dengue fever can progress to life-threatening
dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome, which is fatal and obviously
can cause death to the victim.

All The World’s A Stage By Shakespeare

All The World’s A Stage By Shakespeare

                            ALL THE WORLD’S A STAGE
                                                                                                             William Shakespeare
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages. At first the infant,
Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms.
And then the whining school-boy, with his satchel,
And shining morning face, creeping like snail
Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,
Sighing like a furnace, with a woeful ballad
Made to his mistress’ eyebrow. Then a soldier,
Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard.
Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel.
Seeking the bubble reputation
Even in the cannon’s mouth. And then the justice,
In fair round belly with good capon lin’d,
With eyes severe, and beard of formal cut,
Full of wise saws and modern instances;
And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts,
Into the lean and slipper’d pantaloon,
With spectacles on nose and pouch on side,
His youthful hose well sav’d, a world too wide,
For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice,
Turning again toward childish treble, pipes,
And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness and mere oblivion
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything
In this poem ‘Shakespeare’ has very skillfully described the life of human beings in seven stages. He points out that the nature of human life is transitory (here today and gone tomorrow). He says that this world is like a stage and all men and women are like actors on this stage. They play their roles on it and depart from this mortal stage.
This poem is a master piece of Shakespeare’s keen observation and fine poetry. He is regarded the world’s greatest dramatist and poet. In this poem Shakespeare has masterfully divided and described human life into seven stages spanning (crossing) infancy to old age. He compares the world with a big stage and all human beings with actors playing their allotted roles.
Man first appears on this stage as an infant crying and vomiting in the nurse’s arms. Then he is seen as a school boy with a glowing morning face walking slowly and reluctantly to school. Sooner, he grows into a young man burning with the passion of love and singing in praise of his beloved. The fourth stage is that of an ambitious soldier who is ready to embark on (take on) any adventure in order to gain honor and fame.
In the next stage he plays his part as a wise and quiet man who is ready to dispense justice. The sixth stage finds him as an old man with spectacles on the nose and big pouch in his hand. His size shrinks and his manly voice turns into thin childish voice. His last stage is very miserable as he loses almost all his senses and joys of life. In the last line he says:“Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything” which means without teeth, without eyes, without taste. Shakespeare has called this stage as the second childhood.
The poem draws a sad and pessimistic picture of human life. The underlying meaning is that of temporariness and changing phases of life that pass rather too quickly. The deeper meaning of the poem is that of the transience (briefness, brevity) of life and the brief span of importance of fame that “WE” as actors enjoy and then are heard no more.

Essay On Drug Abuse

Essay On Drug Abuse

(970 words)
Drug abuse, also called substance abuse or chemical abuse is a disorder that is characterized by a destructive pattern of using substance that leads to significant problems or distress. Teens are increasingly engaging in prescription drug abuse. It leads to significant problems that use of substance can cause for the sufferer, either socially or in terms of their work or school performance. If the drug is suddenly stopped, the addict suffer from painful and uncontrollable convulsions, paroxysm, vomiting, depression and various other maladies. The only power to overcome their dependence from drugs and let their life change, continue, develop or whatever you say.
Any substance whose ingestion can result in high feeling can be abused. The following are many drugs and types of drugs that are commonly abused or result in dependence:
Alcohol though legal yet is dangerous if taken during pregnancy. Amphetamines comes in many forms, overdose of any of these substances can result in seizure and death. Anabolic steroids, abused by bodybuilders and other athletes. This group of drugs can lead to terrible psychological  effects like aggression and devastating long term physical effects like infertility and organ failure. Caffeine  is consumed by many coffee, tea and soda drinkers, when consumed in excess this substance can produce palpitations ( rapid and irregular heartbeat), insomnia(sleeplessness), tremors(involuntary vibration of body), anxiety(nervousness, attacks of panic). Cocaine tends to stimulate the nervous system. It is smoked and as well as injected. Nicotine  is the addictive substance found in cigarettes. It’s actually one of the most habit-forming substances that exists. Its just as addictive as heroin. Phencyclidine is a drug which can cause that user to feel extremely powerful, become quite aggressive and have unusual amount of physical strength. This can be quite dangerous to others.
Like the majority of other mental-health problems, drug abuse and addiction have no single cause. However, there are number of biological, psychological and social factors called risk factors that can increase a person’s likelihood of developing a chemical-abuse or chemical dependency disorder. The frequency to which substance abuse occur within some families seems to be higher than could be explained by an addictive environment of the family. Some professionals recognize a genetic aspect to the risk of drug addiction. One of the most harmful risks is that of engaging in risky sexual activities. The use of drugs is related to the occurrence of unsafe sexual behavior that places adolescent at risk for pregnancy of contracting sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS. The effects of using drug and covering up for the abuse can lead to behavior that causes difficulties at home and in society.
Psychological association with addiction include mood disorders like depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder as well as personality disorders like antisocial personality disorder. Social risk factor for drug abuse and addiction include male gender, being between 18 and 44 years of age. Men are more at risk for developing a chemical dependency like alcoholism women seems to be more vulnerable to becoming addicted to alcohol at much lower amounts of alcohol consumption.
In order to be diagnosed with drug abuse, an individual must exhibit a destructive pattern of drug abuse that leads to significant problems or stress but not enough to qualify as being addicted to a drug. This pattern is manifested by at least one of the following signs or symptoms in some one year period:
  • Repeated drug use that result in a lack of meeting important obligation at work, school or home.
  • Repeated drug use in situations that can be dangerous.
  • Repeated legal problems as a result of drug use.
  • Continued drug use affect social or individual relationships.
Tolerance is either a markedly decreased effect of the substance or a need to significantly increase that amount of the substance used in order to achieve the same height or other desired effects. withdrawal is either physical or psychological signs or symptoms consistent with withdrawal from a specific drug or taking that drug or one chemically close to that drug in order to avoid developing symptoms of withdrawal. Significant amounts of time spent getting, using, or recovering from the effects of the substance. The user continues to use the substance despite being aware that he or she suffers from ongoing or recurring physical or psychological problems that are worsened by the use of the drug.
The primary goals of drug-abuse or addiction treatment ( also called recovering) are abstinence relapse prevention, and rehabilitation. During the initial stage of abstinence, an individual who suffers from chemical dependency may need help avoiding or lessening the effects of withdrawal. That process is called detoxification or “detox”. That aspect of treatment is usually performed in a hospital or other inpatient setting, where medication is used to lesson withdrawal, symptoms and frequent medical monitoring can be provided. Psychological addiction may be able to be managed in an outpatient treatment program. Such patients can benefit form living in a sober living community that is a group-home setting where counselors provide continued sobriety support and structure of daily basis.
Drug addiction substantially reduces sober time available to a person. Further, that time will be spent in heroine and establishing the necessary contacts. The family is destroyed, personality is stunted, and emotions become intense and distorted. Fertility is reduced and children may be born with serious illness. In order to help and take drug abusers out of this habit government must take concrete steps to stop the smuggling and illegal entrance of drugs in the country. The drug dealers must be ostracized and avoided like devil’s agents. Debates and programs must be arranged and telecast on T.V to familiarize the people with the danger of drugs. Further, a campaign must be initiated to curb(control) and catch the drug traffickers.

Essay On Democracy

Essay On Democracy

                         (880 WORDS)
In a democracy the poor will have more power than the rich, because ther are more of them, and will of the majority is supreme” Aristotle
Democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.Abraham Lincoln described democracy as:
The government of the people, by the people and for the people”. It means that in democratic form of government common man plays the pivotal role. The aristocracy, the land lords and politicians have to work according to the wishes of the common man. The main object of their political activities is thus the welfare, betterment and amelioration of the poor masses of the country who elect them as their representatives and to whom they are answerable for their duties and responsibilities.
In ancient ages it was also practiced in countries like Greece, Rome and Sub-continent. We are informed of Greek and Roman senators in those times who always dwelt by the majority decision. This led them to become great nations which were looked upto for intelligence and way of life. Since the end of cold war, many countries across the glove have chosen democracy as the form of government. Today most of the world’s powerful countries, international organizations and political science experts see democracy as a natural choice in comparison to dictatorship.
Democracy is a Greek invention created by some of the ancient Greek city states in particular Athens. Athenian democracy was a direct democracy. Citizens not including women children, slaves, resident foreigners i.e., the majority of the population-gathered together to discuss and decide on the policies of the state. Within this minority participation, equality and freedom was unrivaled. The word ‘Democracy’ combines the elements ‘Demos’ which means ‘People’ and ‘Kratos’ meaning ‘Force, power’. In the words ‘Monarchy’ means ‘rule, leading or being first’. It is possible that the term ‘Democracy’ was coined by its detractors. Who rejected the possibility of the term was adopted whole heartedly by Athenian democrats. People in the ancient times wondered if the Athens could survive this devastating lifestyle. And now around the globe many countries have chosen democracy as the form of government.
Talking about the merits or advantages of democracy I would say that democracy can provide for changes in government without violence. In a democracy power can be transformed from one part to another by means of elections. The jurisdiction of the citizens of a nation determines its ruling authorities. Moreover, any government is bound by an election term after which it has to compete against other parties to regain authority. This system prevents monopoly of the ruling authority. This brings in a feeling of obligation towards the citizens. The ruling authorities owe their success in the elections to the citizens of the nation. This results in a feeling of gratefulness towards the people. It can serve as their motivation to work for the people for it is the common masses that have complete power over choosing their government. Another important advantage of democracy is that the people gain a sense of participation in the process of choosing their government. They get the opportunity to voice their opinions by means of electoral votes. This gives rise to a feeling of belonging in the mind of the people towards their society.
Democracy does also have its demerits. In a democratic nation it’s the citizens who hold the right to elect their representatives and their governing authorities. According to a common observation, not all the citizens are fully aware of the political scenario in their country. The common masses may not be aware of the political issues in society. This may result in people making the wrong choices during election. As the government is subject to change after election term, the authorities may work with a short-term focus. As they have to face an election after the completion of each term, they may lose focus on working for the people and rather focus on winning elections. Another disadvantage is that mobs can influence people. Citizens may vote in favor of a part under the influence of the majority. Compelled or influenced by the philosophies of those around, a person may not voice his/her true opinion.
While democracy today appears to be the most popular choice when it comes to choosing a form of government, it brings with it many complications that would be absent in a dictatorship. When a part is in majority it becomes difficult in a democracy to force unacceptable principles down the throat of the public. When this is made possible, it leads to outrage. Making bold decisions for long term prosperity, executing controversial decisions and making better choices for the decisions and making better choices for the common good can be very complicated processes in a democratic form of government. In Pakistan sectarianism, illiteracy, bribery system and poor economic condition have deteriorated our social and political structure. Most of our so-called politicians and law makers are illiterate. Their pockets are full of money but their minds are devoid of wisdom. The law makers are the law breakers. They themselves are involved in such heinous crimes then from whom should we expect a democratic and corruption free government and governance?



                                                                                                                                (560 words)
Inflation refers to a continuous, general increase in the price of goods and services. Rise in prices is called inflation. Inflation at very fast rate is Hyper-Inflation, medium is Strato-Inflation and low lever is Creeping inflation. During the recent years the rise has abnormal and it has endangered the stability of our economy nationally and individually. In Pakistan inflation has become an
unending disease to our economy. Once a state is caught in the circle of inflation then it will be difficult for that state to get rid of it.
There are various factors that contribute to the rise in prices. Some are natural factors like unfavorable weather conditions which affect the food production and lead to the shortage of commodities in the market. With more money chasing fewer goods, the prices take to the wings. Besides this natural problem there are man-made problems like hoarding which contribute to the rapid increase in prices. The trading community which senses a shorting of certain commodities, especially the essential commodities, they resort to large scale hoarding. They release the hoarding products after increase in the prices and make a neat margin over
their investment in the hoarded products. They get so much profit but it waters inflation.
The rise of prices in Pakistan can also be attribute to the despicable acts of traders. Their only motive is to get maximum profit and so they try to charge lots of money from the customers as much as possible. This has created a class of people who are becoming richer day by day and the other class is becoming poorer. Hoarding is also playing a bad role in escalation of prices in the commodities
One of the most important reasons for inflation is the deficit budgeting. In order to cover the gap Pakistan has been printing more paper currency because foreign aid and taxes can not cover up the deficit. Therefore there will be greater circulation of paper money. There will be hike in prices of domestic used products as the purchasing power of the people has increased. Wrong taxation policy has also been responsible for the rise in prices. The hike in taxes results in greater desire to avoid taxes. Thus public takes wrong way of not paying taxes and there will be escalation in prices.
Pakistan’s government has been making a great effort to check this inflation. The rate of interests has been increased in order to encourage savings and withdraw of currency. The government is making efforts to increase industrial outputs so that the level of consumption is leveled with that of output. But unfortunately the government has not met
with success in getting rid of inflation.
The rise in prices goes non-stopped, some suggest that there should be demonetization of currency, but the government
thinks that it is an irregular method and will create doubts in the minds of the public about the stability of the government. The rise in the prices of petrol has affected the prices in our country. Pakistan is not producing more than 20% of its total requirement of oil. So we have to import a huge amount of oil every year. Moreover no step has been taken against the traders who are
mainly responsible for unreasonable rise in the prices.