Tuesday 2 June 2015

Unforgettable Incident of Your Life

Unforgettable Incident of Your Life

English Essay on "Unforgettable Incident of Your Life"

It was the prototypical day of Sept. My prove of S. S. C was to be explicit on that day. I had been ready for the day with anxiety and oddity. I got up at six o'clock. I took town and prayed to God to player my success. I was somewhat strange and unsatisfied. My noses was swinging between trust and fright. It was a unusual travel of anxiousness and mean. I was not certain what was slotted for me. My parents had spot outlook of me. At one present i was careful that I would conceding obtaining Rating 'A'. Again, I feared that if I unsuccessful or unsaved separation. It is an habitual emancipationist that there is also an surroundings of vary in every touching, nevertheless dandy one may be as a tested. In stubby, I was in a really neurotic care.
The newspaper-boy had not yet come. The writer of example was travel out. I was getting much and more unsatisfied. At inalterable, the newspaper-boy came shout. I brought stuff from him. My safekeeping were shaking and viscous pounding. With trembling safekeeping i opened the paper. Within a min i pioneer out my Range No. among the Grade A1. I thanked to Omnipotent God for the success which he granted me.
Then i ran to my overprotect and gave her the healthy broadcast. She was overwhelmed with joy. My fuss and sisters got up and rejoiced. The object air of the domiciliation was at one denaturized. Numerous of my relatives brought sweet-boxes for me. All were in jolly and elysian hunour. In the new teachers. They all congratulated me. We passed the entire day cheerfully. Infect, it was the happiest day of my living which I shall recall for umpteen years to arrive.

Mobile Phone A Curse or Blessing

                               Mobile Phone A Curse or Blessing

English Essay on "Mobile Phone A Curse or Blessing"

This is the question the country is asking. Mobile phones are considered by many as an essential part of modern day life, from the businessperson who uses the mobile phone as a vital link with the office, to the teenager who has the phone for recreational use. By using mobile phones are we damaging our long-term health just to stay in contact or worse simply just for a good image?
Mobile or cellular phones have changed dramatically over the past two or three years. The new generation of WAP phones now allow the user to connect to the Internet, send e-mail and even listen to the radio. The e-mail feature, a tremendous advancement in technology, allows businesspeople to contact their office at anytime day or night. Not only can e-mail be used throughout Britain but also messages can be sent globally.(9essay.com) Sending e-mail is not nearly as expensive as the conventional methods of contact, therefore has the potential to reduce costs considerably for the company. The e-mail can be sent anytime, not just within office hours, and time differences between countries are no longer a consideration.
Many mobile phone users claim one of the main advantages of ownership is the ability to contact friends or family in the event of an emergency. Most women who travel alone feel more secure knowing that in an emergency or breakdown they can summon help without leaving the safety of their car therefore, the mobile reduces the chances of being run over or worse raped. By having your mobile phones with you could it be a silent killer?
The reduction in costs associated with owning and using a mobile phone, largely due to the introduction of the new pay and go tariff, means that many more people are now able to afford a mobile phone. The main disadvantage of this is that the networks can become overloaded and make it extremely difficult to connect to the network. The consequences of this could be disastrous, mobile phone owners are lead to believe that they can contact help in the event of an emergency when, in effect the crowed network may make this impossible.
Many parents are increasingly buying mobile phones to stay in contact with their children. In doing so are they endangering their own health and more importantly the health of their children? Many studies have been commissioned to assess the health risks associated with ownership and use of a mobile phone. Mobile phone emits a type of electromagnetic radiation called radio-frequency radiation (RFR). The possible health risks of RFR can be characterised in two ways: thermal and non-thermal. Thermal effects occur when enough RFR, at certain frequencies, is absorbed to be converted to heat, increasing tissue temperature. However non-thermal effects and their health risks are something of an unknown quantity. Though disputed, it's suggested they can occur at lower levels of exposure and involve changes to body cells, possibly leading to anything from memory loss and headaches to tumours and even Alzheimer's. So far reports and investigations have been inconclusive. The long awaited study by Sir William Stewart into mobile phone safety concluded, "The balance of evidence does not suggest mobile phones technologies put the health of the general population at risk."

Monday 1 June 2015

The Role of Media

          abdullah.sani1937@gmail.com                                                                                                                                    English Essay on "The Role of Media"                                            

The role of media in any society has to be positive in many ways. Media is the major source of exposure of the events and activities in a society, for example events, unethical things, bomb blasts, road accidents, business, street crimes, special cases, entertainment, sports and everyday problems a individual faces in life. It is really important to have awareness about our surroundings and media, like TV, Newspapers Radio, Internet and other media developments in recent years in Pakistan have changed the information usage and consumption patterns helps us do that. Media’s people must report and present these events to the audiences in time. The priority of the news items is determined by media outlets and media people. Media also remind us which issue is to be the ‘prime issue’ of the day among dozens of ongoing issues.
Media plays an important role in the grooming of our society. Its significance cannot be denied. It is the fast effecting medium of transferring information and awareness about old, current and new things to a society. It includes both electronic and print media. Let us discuss some of the major roles and responsibilities of media fulfills and what should be its role and responsibilities towards a society. Now telling programs are on air and these revealing programs enhance statesman knowledge of topical peoples. The most primal bright view of Media is that now they are optimal communicator of melody for localized peoples. They furnish optimal level for all types of peoples when they are discharged. In squab by with improvements in media they are more trenchant and helpful for all age of peoples.
Televised news is the most powerful medium today, especially in Pakistan where the literacy rate is extremely low. Due to impact of TV channels, the people are more informed.(9essay.com) The electronic media, along with the print media, often criticize the government for going against the spirit of the constitution, violating democratic traditions and being unaccountable to the public at large for inflation, unemployment, poverty, deterioration of the law and order situation and highhandedness against opposition.
It can be used as a motivational force to bring consensus on vital issues like education and health. The truth is that the significance of the media as a medium of interconnectedness of human affairs cannot be undermined in an age of rapid globalization. A free media that works conscientiously can serve as the collective conscience at the national and international level. This, however, is often easier said than done.
The reporter or journalist is after all human and endowed with biases and in some cases prejudices and as with all power bases the media too is vulnerable to the corruption of the absolute power. There will always be those in their ranks who can be bought with cash or perks or promises of paradise.
At the end, media can facilitate stabilize and strengthen the country by playing educational and informative role and by imparting knowledge to the masses as knowledge is power and only a well-informed society can develop a positive approach towards life.

"Unforgettable School Function"

                                                    "Unforgettable School Function"

There are so many functions held in our school. But the prize distribution function of our school is unique. The whole machinery of our school is put to its fullest power.
This year the prize distribution function of our school took place on the 20th of February. The Director of School had very kindly consented to preside over the function.
The whole school was swept clean and white washed. All the rooms of the school were well decorated with mottos and drawings. The school compound was decorated with pink and yellow flowers. They presented a view of a beautiful garden. The decoration of the compound held the people spell-bound. A large number of flower-pots were well arranged in every comer of the school. The school garden had an attractive look.
A big shamiana was set up in the School compound. A special dais was made for the day. Carpets were spread over it. It was also decorated with paper buntings and flowers. On it were placed some easy chairs for the important guests. Dames were spread over the whole ground for students. All the students were in their school uniform. Every teacher was alert to his duty given to him.
Exactly at 3 P.M. the Director of Schools arrived in a car. He was received at the main gate by the Principal and the teachers. A guard of honour was given to him by the Scouts.(9essay.com) The Inspector had a round of the school. He was pleased to see the paintings of the young children. As became to the dais, he was cheered by the students and the guests. He was garlanded by the Principal.
The programme began. The mass drill of the boys of class VI was splendid. The Scouts gave a show of drill which everybody liked. The fancy dress made people laugh again and again. Tit bits, stories, speeches and songs had a great effect on the onlookers.
The Principal then read out his report. The school had marched ahead with great success. The secondary results were brilliant. The school had won a name in games also. The Director was then requested to give away the prizes which he did in a nice way. The Director, in his short speech, congratulated the Principal, the staff and the boys on the wonderful success their school had made. The function came to a close with the singing of National Anthem.

Thursday 28 May 2015

Facts About People Around the World

People at a Glance

  • People have lived in the world for millions of years. Today, 6.3 billion people live on the earth.
  • The world's population grows by 100 million each year. Some 950 million people in the world are malnourished.
  • There are 106 boys born for every 100 girls.
  • The average male adult is 5'9'' tall and weighs 155 pounds. The average female adult is 5'3'' tall and weighs 125 pounds.

    People in Groups

    Aristocracy: A society or group of people ruled by the upper class.
    Democracy: A form of government in which the people hold power. People can either exercise the power or elect officials to do so.
    Gerontocracy: A society or group of people in which older people are the most powerful.
    Matriarchy: A society or group of people in which women are the most powerful.
    Oligarchy: A society or group of people in which only a few people hold power.
    Patriarchy: A society or group of people in which men are the most powerful.

    People in Families

    nuclear family is made up of parents and their children.
    An extended family includes parents, children, grandparents, and/or aunts, uncles, and cousins in the same household.
    blended family is formed when one single parent (divorced or widowed) marries another single parent.
  • Generic People

    A generic person is the name for a type of person, not a real one. These names are often used to describe different kinds of people.

    Famous Couples

    Jane and John Doe

    The Does have been around since the 1300s and are still going strong. British lawyers used the most common first names of the time—John and Jane—whenever a person's true identity was unknown, when a person wished to remain anonymous, or when the person could be almost anyone. You can find these names today on legal documents, death certificates, and hospital records.

    Mr. and Mrs. Buttinski

    This couple is always minding other people's business. They interrupt conversation rudely and offer opinions whether or not they are wanted. Mr. and Mrs. Buttinski are not well liked.

    Mr. and Mrs. Jones

    Whatever you have, the Joneses always have more. They are the envy of their neighbors, who compete with them but can never quite “keep up.”

    Mr. and Mrs. X

    People like to gossip about this couple, although they are nothing special. In fact, like their neighbors the Does, they are the perfect example of an average couple. Compared to the other generic couples, Mr. and Mrs. X are rather plain.

    Just Joe

    Joe is one of the many nicknames used when one man greets another. Mac, Jack, Bud, and Buster are others. However, Joe is the most popular, and he has many different personalities.

    The Average Joe

    These Joes all represent your everyday man-in-the-street: Average Joe, Joe Blow, Joe Bunker, Joe Schmo.

    Special Joes

    Some Joes aren't just ordinary guys.
    • Joe Bag: This Joe is stingy. He never leaves a tip (known as “bagging the tip” in hotels all over the world).
    • Joe College: This American college man loves fraternities, football games, girls, and, of course, his studies.
    • Joe Cool: This Joe thinks he's a big shot and has everybody else convinced as well. He wears the “right” clothes, goes to the “right” parties, and is usually seen hiding behind an expensive pair of sunglasses.
    • Joe Soap: No one wants to be this Joe, a slow, stupid fellow who is often the object of ridicule.
    • G.I. Joe: This Joe was a symbol of the U.S. Army during World War II. The soldiers relied completely on government issue (G.I.) goods, so they became known as G.I.'s.
    • Collecting People

      People who collect things are called by many names. Some of their names are as unusual as the items they collect.
      ArchtophilistTeddy Bears
      BestiaristMedieval Books on Animals
      BrandophilistCigar Bands
      CopoclephilistKey Rings
      DologistBird's Eggs
      PhonophilePhonograph Records
      VecturistSubway Tokens
      VexillologistBanners or Flags

      People in the World

      “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” is a famous saying about customs. But what exactly do the Romans and other people do that is so different? Where do women wear rings in their noses to show they are married, for example? Where do people greet each other with a bow rather than a handshake? Here are some other ways people behave and beautify themselves around the world.
      • In Rome, Italy, adults drink coffee standing up at a coffee bar.
      • Throughout Europe, people eat with the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right.
      • In India, women wear rings in their noses to show they are married.
      • In New Zealand, chewing gum in public is considered impolite.
      • In Russia, powerful handshakes among men are often carried to extremes.
      • In Brazil, kids do not have sleepovers.
      • In most parts of Asia, it is taboo to touch people's heads, especially those of children.
      • In Taiwan, belching after a meal is considered a compliment to the cook.
      • In Australia, pancakes are served at dinner rather than breakfast.
      • In Thailand, people do not step on their doorsills. It is believed that a spirit lives in the threshold of every home.
      • In many North African countries, children ride to school on donkeys.

      • people riding donkeys
      • In Ethiopia, both males and females of the Surma tribes shave their heads as a mark of beauty. The women wear lip plates; their lower lips are pierced and stretched as ever-larger plates are inserted over time. The larger the plate, the more appealing the woman.
      • In Japanese homes, a hot bath is prepared for the whole family at once. Members take turns soaping, scrubbing, and rinsing off outside the tub before soaking in it.
      • In France, children celebrate their name day (a saint's feast day) rather than their birthday.
      • In Bangladesh, people use their right hand when they eat or hand things to other people. They consider their left hand unclean.
      • In the Himalaya Mountains of Asia, the Apa Tanis tribal people wear black wooden nose plugs and tattoos on their chins.
      • In Taiwan, eating or drinking in the streets is considered crude.
      • In India, people do not wear shoes in the kitchen because some food is prepared on the floor.
      • In Pakistan, a bridegroom wears garlands of money given to him by his relatives on his wedding day.
      • On many Greek islands, women bake their food in a communal village oven.

(Science Article) Pluto Demoted!

Not a planet anymore

New Definition of a Planet

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) voted on an official definition of the word "planet" at their general assembly on Aug. 24, 2006. Celestial bodies must meet the following conditions in order to be classified as planets: (1) The object must be in orbit around a star, while not being itself a star, (2) the body must be massive enough for its own gravity to pull it into a nearly spherical shape, and (3) the object has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit. The last criterion is the one that led to Pluto's demotion. While the exact parameters of "clearing the neighborhood" have not been set, the other planets have either assimilated or repulsed most other objects in their orbits, and each has more mass than the combined total of everything else in its area. The same cannot be said for Pluto, which has turned out to be one of many objects in its orbit.

Pluto is Out!

Pluto's new classification is "dwarf planet," while the eight planets remaining—Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—are planets. The dwarf planet definition mirrors the planet definition in the first two conditions. The third condition says that the object has not cleared the neighborhood around its orbit, and the fourth states that it is not a satellite. A dwarf planet does not meet the third condition of a planet, but it must meet a fourth: a dwarf planet cannot be a satellite. As a result, Pluto's satellite Charon, briefly considered as a full-fledged planet in the solar system, is back to being a moon. The term "pluton" was rejected and the name for this class will be decided upon in the future.

Others Considered for "Planethood"

The asteroid Ceres (classified a planet when first discovered in the 1800s) andEris (previously nicknamed "Xena"), both formerly under consideration for planetary status, are now out. Ceres and Eris have joined Pluto as dwarfs. The IAU also has a dozen candidate planets awaiting future designation as dwarf planets, including Sedna, Orcus, Quaoar, Varuna, Ixion—all found beyond Pluto; the asteroids Vesta, Pallas, and Hygiea; and four yet unnamed bodies (2003 EL61, 2005 FY9, 2002 TX300, and 2002 AW197).
Also defined was "Small Solar System Bodies" as all other objects except satellites orbiting the Sun. These include the asteroids, Trans-Neptunian Objects, comets and other small bodies.

Some Qoutes About Love & Life